Saturday, March 22, 2008

We are hanging in there

I spent most of today with Jim. He is very peaceful and quiet. The doctors were concerned about dialysis today but he made it through beautifully. They did not take any fluid off of him because of the blood pressure issue. Yesterday they put 2 gallons of fluid into him to balance the blood pressure medication and did not want to take it off.

Dr. L told me today that Jim will determine how and when. She said that the worst is inevitable and that we will continue to treat him to make sure he is comfortable. He was not very responsive today and the only real time I saw a spark in him is when our grandson Jack talked to him and told him that he loved him. He heard Jack and I know that this gives him great comfort.

I know I'm rambling but I am so tired so I am now off to bed. Once again I left my cell phone home this afternoon. For those that tried to call please try again tomorrow. I will remember the phone. Or you can call 941-342-3000 and ask for room 105 and if I'm there I'll answer. Thank you everyone for the love.

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