Sunday, March 30, 2008

Still in the eye

This is such a happy night for Jim. It was his 65th birthday party that was a surprise for him. He told me that nobody had every thrown him a surprise party and I really did get him. He had no idea. For all my scrapping buddies I told him I was going to a crop. The is Jim's son Bob and my wonderful daughter in law Teresa and our Joshua.
Jim is still in the eye of the hurricane. I just ran over there to kiss him goodnight and he was watching the basketball game and was wide awake. Vital signs are normal but the BP is a little low. Stolic is 72. They did dialysis today but did not take any fluid off because his output is good. His vent status has been CPAP since Thursday night. This means he is breathing on his own but getting assist when he needs it.
For me I took a class this morning that I had missed in Jan and Feb. Spent the rest of the day with Jim and then went to dinner with Mom, Jackie and friend Barbara. We went to Pincher's. Barbara had bought us all a gift card for Xmas and we had not used them. On top of that we had 2 for 1 coupons. We were going to go to a movie but I just did not feel like it so we played cards at Jackie's. After that I ran over and said goodnight to Jim.
I sleep better these days if I say good night to him.

1 comment:

mama j said...

We love Pinchers! Glad you're still doing things for yourself too--it's so easy to just "stop" in times like these....Keep on living and loving! Jim's son and family are good lookin'--all look so happy!!!

Hope you're having a good Sunday!