Sunday, March 16, 2008

Nothing is Easy

Well we have another step back with Jim. Remmember last year when Jim was at SMH he had a gall bladder problem. They treated it, drained it and then it healed. Well . . . @#$@@% it's back. I know that I definitely looked at his belly on Friday, not sure of yesterday because he had a gown on, and it looked perfectly OK. Today while I was visiting Jim I asked the nurse how he was doing and he said fine. I took him for his word. I was there about 4 hours. Did not check Jim's body just held his hand and rubbed his arm. At 6:00 I called in and they told me he was doing fine. At 7:30 the doctor called me and said we have a problem. The site where the drainage tube was has absesed. It has actually burst like a boil. And there is a five inch ring of redness around the site. She said with all of the antiabiotics he's on she can't believe this has happened and it has happened since she saw him yesterday.

She is going to send him to SMH tomorrow for a CT scan to see what is involved and if it has tunneled anywhere. She has also called Dr. N. for him to look at Jim at the hospital.

I had to see this for myself so I went to the hospital and yes there it was. It is quite painfull for him when the nurse touches the site. You could tell he was in pain and I asked him if he wanted some pain meds and he said yes. He never asks for pain meds so I know he was in pain.

So I'll let you know tomorrow when I know more.

1 comment:

Paula Parrish said...

How is Jim today? I know that the doctors can do so much now a days. Keep us updated and I will be checking in on your blog. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.