Friday, September 7, 2007

Balloons for Jim

Caroline, Nancy (Jim's sisters) and Bob (Jim's brother in law) sent Jim a beautiful bunch of balloons today. The smiley face was so perfect today because Jim was telling jokes today. He had all of the nurses in stitches. They kept saying no more we have to work. A couple of hours after the balloons arrived Jim asked one of the nurses if there were any children at Healthsouth. They said no. Jim's heart is so big. He wanted to share his balloons with children.

We were saddened today by the news of the passing of Sally's mother, Bernice. She was 96. Jim wanted to know when he heard if his children knew and if they were OK. His thoughts are always of others. We were also sad to hear of Mary Grummons passing. She visited with us in May and we enjoyed sharing breakfast with her and her family.

Misty spent a couple of hours with Jim late today. She sat on a chair next to him and kept licking his hand. Of course several times she found a treat in his hand. He still can't resist giving her a nibble or two.

As for me, the 2nd section of the kitchen is done. One more section to go and it will be finished. I never thought it would take me two months to get this done. I guess it was a bigger job than I anticipated. Tomorrow I'm off to play bridge with my Mom in a Senior Sectional in Bradenton. Man, I can't believe I just admitted to playing in a senior event. Have a great weekend everyone.

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