Sunday, January 6, 2008

Jim is doing fine so far

Jim is doing fine after his ordeal today. They took him to Sarasota Memorial Hospital around noon today. They needed to put the dialysis cathere in by a radiologist. He got back to Health south around 5:00. The dialysis started at 5:30 and lasted 3 hours. Before he left for SMH I explained the entire procedure to him. I want him to know what they are doing and why. I asked him if he understood and he said yes. I said do you want to do this. He said yes. I want him to make decisions about his care if he can.
I sat with him for awhile to make sure he was comfortable during the dialysis and he seemed to have no pain and was watching the football game. Luckily he missed the Tampa game. I left when he drifted off to sleep. I checked with the nurse around 10:00 and he was still sleeping and in stable condition. The dialysis nurse said his vitals remained strong throughout the procedure.
The plan is for him to have dialysis for the next two days for 3 and a half hours each day. Then the doctors will review his blood tests and will decided where we go from here. It's a plan at least and I am more comfortable when we have a plan and are doing something.
The two layouts here are from scrap and dash this week. I'm trying to do the layout a day. Sometimes I skip a day and do two the next. It keeps me busy and my mine occupied. Today I got about a 100 photos from Bob and Teresa from the holidays. So now I am really behind. I made a disk and am going to put them in the digital photo frame my sister got us for Christmas and will take them in for Jim to look at tomorrow. The frame is 8 x 11.5 so they will be big for him to see. He'll love it. Good night for now.

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