Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Twice in one day

Well I have to get back to my routine and blog at night before I go to bed. Don't you love this sweet face of Lucas. I just want to hug this little boy. Today he said Hi to me. What joy. And Joshua told me how he is going to the potty now. I told him I was so proud of him and he told his mommy that grandma was proud of him. There is nothing like being a grandma.
Jim is doing fine. They only took a liter out of him in dialysis today because this was all they needed because of his natural output. Nothing on the results yet of the 24 hour urine test. He slept most of the day so I sat with him and watched him sleep. He has a little eye infection so they are giving him drops for this. But all is well right now and I hope it stays that way.

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