Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tournament Is Over

Well I survived the tournament. It has been so long since I played 7 days of bridge. I forgot how grueling it is. 48 to 52 hands of bridge a day. My mind is now mush. I read an article once that said you make 300 decision during one set of bridge. I played 14 sets and I guess I made 4,200 decisions. Now you know why my brain is mush. Guess what, I agreed to play tomorrow afternoon in the ACBL National Senior Game. Can I make 300 more decisions? Well we will find out tomorrow if I have a brain left.

My friend Gina leaves in the morning. I will be sad to see her go. It has been such fun to have her here. I know Misty will miss her.

Jim was just great tonight. We watched the first part of the Academy Awards together. He laughed all the way through Jon Stewart's monalogue. I had to leave at 9 whenvisiting hours were over but he was content, wide awake and all his vital signs were normal.

This morning I called at 10:00 and guess what the nurse could not tell me anything about his vital signs. I guess if a nurse has a patient that these things aren't important. She was a little miffed when I could not understand why she did not know. She told me to call back. Now what is that about. Off to bed. I am really tired tonight.

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