Monday, October 8, 2007

Nurse Don Reports Improvement

I don't know where this came from but I am thankful. Nurse Don (one of the best they have) said the Jim's chest wound shows some improvement. The bottom portion is healing nicely and closing up. The top portion where the infection was concentrated is showing pinker tissue and less pus and drainage. He says that is good. I want Jim back and playing cards. Way to go Jim.
I guess today was a day of realities for Jim. Over the past couple of days Jim has refused to have his dressings changed at the prescribed time. He is to have these done 3 times a day. He has gotten stubborn, do you know this man. YOu think!. Well Roxanne, the wound care nurse who I truly love, had a chat with him. She went in and threw open the shapes and said why are you in the dark. Have you given up. Are you going to throw away all the work I've done. Well, according to R. this really got his attention. She explained that this new treatment plan is really working. The bedsores are looking really good and it is because of this plan. She said to him. Are you with me in this. Do you want to get better. Do you still want to fight. I have to get you off your back and on to your side. Are we going to do this. Roxanne is a short stock outspoken women. She is just what he needs. She tells it like it is and goes to work. She showed him pictures of each of his wounds and compared them to old photos. She told me that sometimes she forgets that some patients are really intelligent and just need to know what is up and that she has to take the time to really talk to them. She also said there is nothing wrong with Jim's brain. Well . . .
When I got there Jim said to me, " I have decided to do everything they ask me to do. I want to live and I want to fight." I just cried. He was on his side and doing everything they wanted him to do. He was off the vent and doing quite well. He said to me Life Is Good. Like Dr. Hume said, It is up to Jim as to how this goes. Well Jim has decided. He's fighting.
Today he wanted me to just hold his hand and massage them. They were hurting him a bit. They were swollen and the doctor's have told him to get them up in the air. He had me holding them in the air and they felt better.
Some days are just better than others and Roxanne jump started this one by working with Jim.
Thank you Jackie for dinner tonight. It was great. I'm bringing the pizza tomorrow to bingo.

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