Saturday, October 13, 2007

Dr. Liggett Gives Good Report

Dr. Liggett was in today. Her and Dr. Hume are partners and they have both been taking care of Jim. Jim calls her the pretty doctor. She always gives him a kiss on the cheek for that. I asked her to give us a real update on how things are going. She said, the key here is that Jim has not gotten any worse. She said that an infection can run rampant in your system if not checked by antibiotics. He has now been on antiobiotics for 4 weeks and there is no indication of any spreading of the infection. She feels that Jim is actually beating the infection. She said it may take awhile but it really looks good. She said 4 weeks ago she would not have given him hardly a chance but now she is very hopeful that he will beat this.

She also said that the action taken by nurse Mary the other day has really helped also. Mary changed Jim's catheter. He is now peeing like a racehorse as Jim is know to say. You can tell the difference in his face and hands. Dr. L. said there must have been a sediment blockage and that is why he was retaining fluids. Between the new tube and the lasix the fluids are now manageable. Dr. L is also going to prescribe some antidepressants for Jim since he has now having a bout of depression. Dr. L said this is perfectly normal for anyone going through what Jim is. She is also going to have a phycologist come see Jim and this may help him some. I really like Dr. Liggett because she really talks to both Jim and I.

Jim watched the Notre Dame game and another loss for the Irish. He had Nascar on tonight.

I actually cooked dinner tonight for my sister, my mom and our friend Barbara. We toasted my new kitchen and dinning room. Afterward we played cards. As you can see in the picture, Misty was helping me. Thank you Barbara for the wonderful violet bathroom rug and violets.

Thank you niece Cathy for the card and to all the Canul children. Jim really appreciates all of you.

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