Friday, October 5, 2007

It's Friday, Yeah!!

Well it is still very hot and humid here in Florida. Everyone tells me it is fall but I have yet to see any evidence of it. No leaves have turned, the flowers are still blooming and it is still really hot. So I ask, when do I get to turn off my air conditioning and enjoy the wonderful fall?

Jim is adjusting to his new bed. It has a rotation mode on it and the bed will all of sudden start to move. It startles you when this happens. You can just watch him roll to the other side. It's like some amusement ride and then it will start pulsating and it sounds like the bed is beating him in the back. Which it really is but that noise. He is getting a kick out of it.

It seems to be helping though because he has now been on cpap for two days. Tomorrow they want to try out the speaking value. I hope we can do this because it is really hard to communicate with Jim and he gets so frustrated with me when I don't understand what he is saying. He was having some stomach pain today. The nurse said he had a lot of gas so that may have been the cause. She was changing his butt dressing and he was tooting away. He thought that was pretty funny. Men will be boys and they love to fart.

Tonight he was able to watch the Yankees. He is not happy that they are behind in the series. His pulminary tech, Jessie (a woman) is a diehard baseball fan so she has been spending a lot of time with Jim tonight.

As for me I did some cleaning in my craft room today. It had really gotten away from me. I spent time with Jim morning and evening. He slept the morning away but was awake the entire 2nd time I was there.

I have a quiet weekend planned. I miss Jim and our time together at home. It just isn't the same without him here. You know it has now been almost five months. It seems like forever. Here we have this new home and we are supposed to be spending time together here and exploring Florida. He's not supposed to be in the hospital, he's supposed to be here. I pray everyday that soon he'll be home with me.

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