Saturday, August 23, 2008

Gray Skies Again

We are still getting the effects of Fay. The skies are gray and we have gotten a lot of rain. I thought we were in the clear today and so Jackie, Barbara and I were going to plant mom's new shrubs. As soon as we got started the rain came and boy was it a downpour.

It was probably for the best since when we actually got to digging we found that her planter bed was filled with red ants. These guys are nasty and they are fast to bite as my feed will attest to. I ran home and got some ant killer but the planting had to be put off. It will take several days for the ant killer to work so we can get back to the planting.

Spent the rest of the day treating my feet with deodorant. Yes that was my sister's solution and guess what it worked. I settled in with a good book and a nap. A perfect way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon.

I also spent some time thinking about Lucas. Happy birthday little guy.

Hope everyone has a great Saturday.

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