Sunday, August 17, 2008

Almost Done

Construction is almost done. The guest bathroom is done and the master bathroom is almost done. All they have to do is to install the threshold. Would you believe they couldn't find the threshold and now have to buy a new one. They worked Friday night until 7:30 and it was just to late to go buy a new one and then get it installed. I spent most of the day yesterday scrubbing the two bathrooms. You would not believe the amount of dirt and dust they created. But both are now sparkling.
The new counter top in my scrapbook room is installed and now I am working on getting this space together. I have emptied my desk but it is still sitting in the middle of the room. I have two trash bags full of stuff. Why do we hold onto all of this stuff. Hopefully I will get the desk out of the room tomorrow and work can really begin.
The two layouts above are from Scrap and Dash this week. Kim did an awesome job on the design of these layouts. These three little boys are so adorable and I love them so much.
Mom made dinner for us last night and it was great. We played some cards afterward. Yesterday morning we had breakfast at the clubhouse for the monthly get together. Tried exercising afterward but the thunder and lightening came to visit.
Watching Fay closely. As you can see on the forecast Sarasota is right in the middle of the path. I'm getting my kit together in case we have to evacuate. Keep your fingers crossed. Have a good weekend everyone. I am going to go play bingo and relax on this Sunday.

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