Thursday, December 27, 2007

Jim's A Little Scared Today

I'm not sure of the reason but Jim is very nervous today. When I got there today he said we had to talk. This always makes me nervous because you never know the reason. He went into quite a bit of detail about his breathing. He felt that he could not get his breath. He had all the times in his head. Resperatory and his nurse came in and everyone tried to assure him that things were fine. They even brought in his chart and showed him all of his levels. His oxygen was 99 all day. I saw the computer printout. Sometimes he just gets nervous. This has caused him to have an upset stomach so he doesn't want to eat. And all of this throws him into depression.

I try to do everything to make him feel that everything is OK and there is no reason to be nervous. They gave him a shot for the upset stomach and he said he would eat later for Mary. All I can do is assure him that everything is OK and not to worry. I try to cheer him up in every way. I actually got him laughing today with my trials of trying to find Teresa and Bob a Wii. I missed one today by one person. With any luck I'll have one by the new year. Several places expect them in and I'm wait listed at one place. He was laughing when I was telling him what it did.

Right now Jim is the best he has ever been. Now if we can just get him out of this funk and get him eating all will be good and then maybe I will get out of my funk too. He was even talking to Misty today.

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