Friday, May 22, 2009

Wasted taxpayer dollars.

Well my job is over for now. The Census Bureau is done for now. They will probably call us back in the fall. It was fun but very hot to be outside everyday. We identified everywhere people can live and now they can make up their address list. The Census is definitely wasting our money. They are the most disorganized organization I have ever seen. The training was like a comedy show. Neither of our trainers had any idea what they were doing. The first day we filled out 16 forms. So much for the Paper Reduction Act. Then we were fingerprinted. Now this took 4 hours for 17 of us. They had no idea how to do it and kept have to repeat the tests. But they coined a phrase "don't worry you are getting paid" that we would hear a lot in the coming weeks. While they were fingerprinting we wondered outside, read a book and just chatted. WE had to be there at 8:00 but were paid from the time we left our house. Then at 5:00 we were told we had homework to do. They could have told us this at 12:30 and we could have done it while we were sitting around all afternoon. We were told we would be paid 1 hour for the homework time. We left and we were paid for driving home. So we were paid for 10 and a half hours. Two and a half hours of this was at overtime pay. Who thinks we were wasting taxpayer dollars on just this one day. Throughout Sarasota they were training 300 people. That is a lot of wasted taxpayer dollars. But remember, you are getting paid.

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