Friday, January 18, 2008

Maintaining the Status Quo

Not much different today. Jim was off the vent for two hours today while I was there. Yeah. Moving in the right direction. He was in a good mood and we were able to talk about the bridge hands I played today. He even told me I bid a couple of hands wrong. Jan you were right on that 4 club bid and the one you doubled spades showing spades.
It was great to be able to talk with Jim and to see the real interest he had in what I had done today. It just goes to show that his brain is still working and sharp. If we could just get his body to cooperate.
The doctor did tell me that Jim's electrolytes are all in the normal range. She said this is good news to show that the toxin levels are balancing out. I don't really understand this part but I believe her when she says this is good news.

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