Happy Birthday to our wonderful grandson Jack. Today Jack is 6 and such a spectacular grandson. Jim and I just love it when he tells us he loves us. Jack is always telling me to give grandpa a great big hug and that makes Jim feel so good. Jack is sensitive, caring and loving plus he is very smart. Right now in his life his favorite things to do are to go to school, play with his Star War toys and to play video games with his daddy. I wish I were there with you Jack. If I were I would give you a great big grandma hug. Love you.
Misty has a birthday also. She is now one year old. As a treat I took her to the dog park today for the first time. She loved it. I kept her in the small dog area but all she wanted to do was to get in there and play with the big dogs. Happy Birthday Misty.
Jim is doing great today. The pulminary doctor said his lungs are great and let's try and get him off the vent. He was off 3 hours this morning before I got there. They only put him back on because he was starting dialysis. The lab work was not back so I don't have those numbers. He loved playing with Misty today and feeding her treats.
We had bingo tonight and I got to yell BINGO. Yeah me. My sister was robbed about four times from yelling bingo. She was oh so close. Mom didn't play with us tonight because she is in the middle of her two day quilt class.

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