Today was a difficult day for Jim. He told me when I came at lunch time that he was going to die and it was coming fast. I asked who told him this and he said God. My stomach lurched to my throat and it was all I could do to keep it together. I got him talking about it and said that Dr. Liggitt was there and why don't we talk to her. So in she came and she talked to Jim and told him that all of his vital signs were great, his lab work was all normal and that he looked good. He just looked at her and was not convinced.
She told me that she felt that his anexity level seemed to be a bit high but that sometimes patients feel doom when it is really doom. She did not think this was the case. She decided to give him some xantac to see if that would calm him down. I sat with him for a while and he drifted off to sleep. The pulminary tech raised his oxygen level from 3 to 5 to give him some extra comfort.
I was back in about 3:30 and checked on him and he seemed calmer. Today was my group therapy so I went to that and then back to his room. He did not want to eat dinner. He had some Dan Active and a glass of milk and that was it. It was calm and we talked about things and he seemed much better but it really took a lot out of him and he just wanted to sleep.
He asked me if he could talk to a priest and I made the arrangements for a priest to see him tomorrow and give him communion. I hope this will give him an extra level of peace. He got a letter today from a special friend and that seemed to please him. She has entered the seminary and that seemed to please him.
I am going to try to meet the one layout a day for 365 day challenge. This is my first page of the year and is for the challenge at my local scrapbook store. Misty got a haircut and bath today so I hope to get a good picture of her tomorrow. I took her to see Jim today and that did make him smile to see her so clean and stylish.
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