Monday, January 28, 2008

Jim's Growing A Beard

Well I think Jim has decided to grow a beard. He has not let them shave him for about 10 days. He said that Mary is not there and he's not going to have a shave until she's back. Mary is a night nurse and was on vacation and came back with a terribe cold so she has not been in and Jim really misses her. I should probably be jealous of this but I'm not because she takes really good care of Jim.
They did a 24 hour urine test today that will be sent in tomorrow and we should have the results on Thursday. Cross your fingers because this test will tell us how Jim's Kidneys are doing. Just the fact that they did the test hoping for a good outcome is huge. He was off of the respirator for the better part of the day today which is good news. We also watched the movie Heartbreak Kid. It was kinda of corney but it's something for Jim to do. I think he liked the Bruce Willis movie better.
Not much else happened today. Rode my bike and walked Misty. Finished some of my layouts that I had half done and are shown above. Also look how big Misty has gotten.

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