Monday, January 7, 2008

Dialysis Day 2

Jim did well on dialysis again today. Once again he slept through most of this. Kathy, the dialysis nurse, is a huge football fan so Jim and Kathy are watching the game and Jim is mostly sleeping.

He was alert and pain free today. Bob sent me about a 100 photos of Christmas, Snow and first haircut for Lucas. I put these on a memory card and took them in to show Jim. Jackie had given us a large digital frame. Jim watched the entire slide show. He was smiling and happy to see the boys. I put the frame where he could see it and let it run all day so that if he woke up he would see these smiling faces. I know it brightened his day.

I actually went and played bridge today. Have not played since November. I played with my friend Jan and it was really fun. We were second. Not bad for not playing in a while. It was good to get out and forget my troubles for awhile.

I do not know where Jim is going and no one else knows either. The pulminary doctor decided not to do the broch today. He said Jim really didn't need it as he was able to cough up what needed to come out. He said this was good. I'm just keeping his spirits up and keeping him comfortable. He was cold today so I put on his Notre Dame blanket. One doctor said, "Maybe next year." Jim laughed.

These are the layouts I did tonight. Sorry about the glare on you face Bob. Jackie thank you for dinner. Love you.

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