Thursday, January 31, 2008
Happy Anniversary Rick and Heather

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Quiet Day for Jim
Monday, January 28, 2008
Jim's Growing A Beard
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Took some time away from the computer
Spent time with Misty. And I spent some time with Jim.
Friday night I went to the every other week Scrap Therapy. A group of about 15 women get together and just have a good time chatting and working on our scrapbooks. It's fun and a way to get rid of the frustrations of the week. I made several layouts Friday night. There are more but I can only post so many with each post.
Saturday I went and rented some movies for Jim and I to watch. Wouldn't you know the DVD player stopped working. Just our luck. So we just spent the time together and watched TV. He's doing fine but has some anxiety over being off the vent. They tell me this is natural and soon he will get used to being off. He is off about half of the day. Dialysis continues with Bun at 55 and creatine at 3.1. He is starting to put out some significate urine so they are thinking about doing the 24 hour urine test. This is the test that will determine if he needs to continue on the dialysis. We do have some more challenges. His amputed leg has become bent from lying in bed. They put a splint on it to try to keep it straight but that rubbed a sore so now that is off. Therapy works with it every day and we are keeping a small pillow under the leg to try to straighten it. I also work with this every day to help Jim with this. He also has an eye infection. They are putting drops in his eye. Also Dr. Van Winkle debrieded the shoulder wound. This is almost healed. Other than this all is well. The bright side, his mood is good.
Saturday night I went to a card party at the club house. There were about 150 people there and it was fun to get out. I won a door prize. Dinner at Applebees just down the street. Jackie couldn't come because she has a terrible cold and we are all staying away from her.
Rick and Heather's house is coming along great. I can't believe it is going up so fast. The bathtub
is already in and they are working on the fireplace. It will be done before they know it.
Sunday I went and bought a new DVD player. They are only $29 at Walmart. Prices sure have come down. So today Jim and I watched Live Free Die Hard. He was tired and wanted to sleep so we didn't watch the other movie. We can do that tomorrow. Jim has the TV very loud so his roommate was able to watch the movie too. Jim was fine today with no problems.
I spent the rest of the day just hanging out with Misty. We took two bike rides today. I am going farther and farther each time. My legs hurt a little tonight but it was such a beautiful day I just had to get outside. It was 68 degrees and sunny. This is what Florida is all about. Come see me and I'll share the sunshine.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Maintaining the Status Quo
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
An Amazing Day
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Big Day For Jack and Misty -- Birthdays

Happy Birthday to our wonderful grandson Jack. Today Jack is 6 and such a spectacular grandson. Jim and I just love it when he tells us he loves us. Jack is always telling me to give grandpa a great big hug and that makes Jim feel so good. Jack is sensitive, caring and loving plus he is very smart. Right now in his life his favorite things to do are to go to school, play with his Star War toys and to play video games with his daddy. I wish I were there with you Jack. If I were I would give you a great big grandma hug. Love you.
Misty has a birthday also. She is now one year old. As a treat I took her to the dog park today for the first time. She loved it. I kept her in the small dog area but all she wanted to do was to get in there and play with the big dogs. Happy Birthday Misty.
Jim is doing great today. The pulminary doctor said his lungs are great and let's try and get him off the vent. He was off 3 hours this morning before I got there. They only put him back on because he was starting dialysis. The lab work was not back so I don't have those numbers. He loved playing with Misty today and feeding her treats.
We had bingo tonight and I got to yell BINGO. Yeah me. My sister was robbed about four times from yelling bingo. She was oh so close. Mom didn't play with us tonight because she is in the middle of her two day quilt class.

Monday, January 21, 2008
Dr. Says Jim is Doing Well

The doctor said today that Jim is doing great. Still working on the kidney situation. (Forgot to ask about his bun and creatin today so I don't have the numbers. The doctor is going to have Dr. Van Winkle come back in on Friday and check to see how the chest wound is doing and where we are on that. The cutest ear doctor was in today. He was 6-6 and about 32 years old.
Yesterday I went to a crop and a Tinkering Ink class and we made the cutes little wood valentine box. We also made little love notes to put in the box. As always there was lots of paper left over. In the past I would file all this paper away and essentially forget about it. It never gets used and just takes up space. Tonight I decided to use all of the left over paper. I made these two layouts of my nephew Donald and his girlfriend Holly. I thing they turned out pretty nice. I then threw all of the scraps in the trash. No leftovers and space taken up. So I made one box and two layouts with the materials from the class.
Rode my bicycle today. Man this is going to take work. I am really out of shape. Everyday is a new day and this to will get easier.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I'm Bike Riding

Friday, January 18, 2008
Maintaining the Status Quo
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Some good news for once
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Jim is Plugging Along
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
It is crowded in Jim's room
Monday, January 14, 2008
Jim is feeling good
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Jim lost 10 pounds today
Thursday, January 10, 2008
4th Day of Dialysis
He was awake this morning but wiped out tonight. I left him to watch TV tonight.
I actually did three of these layouts so each of my little boys will have one in their book. Being able to create these layouts keeps me busy and my mine occupied. It is kind of a therapy for me. Hope everyone enjoys them. There will probably not be a blog tomorrow night because I am going to a crop from 3 until midnight. My sister wants me up early Saturday morning to go to breakfast. This is a bribe because she is going to put my bicyle together for me. Can't wait to see those pictures.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Slowly Moving Along
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Day 3 of Dialysis
On Sunday Jim's BUN was 138. 20-30 is normal. His Creatin was 2.0. With a 138 this should have been 4. Normal being 1.0. But the numbers were totally out of ratio and this really concerned the doctors and that's the reason for the dialysis. Today Jim's BUN is 44 and Creatin is still 2.0. This is a normal ratio but both numbers are still high. These numbers were done this morning before the dialysis. We hope to see these numbers normal tomorrow.
No culture results are in yet. These take time to grow. Jim is alert. Much more so that the previous days. This morning better than late evening. After the dialysis he is wiped out. The plan is to do dialysis Thursday and Saturday and then reevaluate his situation. Here's hoping.
Went to Bingo tonight but no bingo's for the three of us. Did this layout a couple of days ago for my calendar. Need to fix a couple of things with layouts from the previous days and will do this tomorrow. For now I'm going to bed.
No Snow Here

Here's my layout for the day. This is a digital scrapbooking page and was done totally on the computer. Love these photos.
I saw Jim this morning and he was doing fine. He had a fresh shave and looked so comfortable. He was smiling and flirting with the nurses because they were flirting with him.
I'm going back in a little while and I hope some of the test results are back. More later.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Dialysis Day 2
Jim did well on dialysis again today. Once again he slept through most of this. Kathy, the dialysis nurse, is a huge football fan so Jim and Kathy are watching the game and Jim is mostly sleeping.
He was alert and pain free today. Bob sent me about a 100 photos of Christmas, Snow and first haircut for Lucas. I put these on a memory card and took them in to show Jim. Jackie had given us a large digital frame. Jim watched the entire slide show. He was smiling and happy to see the boys. I put the frame where he could see it and let it run all day so that if he woke up he would see these smiling faces. I know it brightened his day.
I actually went and played bridge today. Have not played since November. I played with my friend Jan and it was really fun. We were second. Not bad for not playing in a while. It was good to get out and forget my troubles for awhile.
I do not know where Jim is going and no one else knows either. The pulminary doctor decided not to do the broch today. He said Jim really didn't need it as he was able to cough up what needed to come out. He said this was good. I'm just keeping his spirits up and keeping him comfortable. He was cold today so I put on his Notre Dame blanket. One doctor said, "Maybe next year." Jim laughed.
These are the layouts I did tonight. Sorry about the glare on you face Bob. Jackie thank you for dinner. Love you.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Jim is doing fine so far
Jim to start Dialysis
I have finally picked my word for the year. It is strength. The most basic meaning is: strength
1. The quality or state of being strong; ability to do or to bear; capacity for exertion or endurance, whether physical, intellectual, or moral; force; vigor; power; as, strength of body or of the arm; strength of mind, of memory, or of judgment. "All his [Samson's] strength in his hairs were." (Chaucer) "Thou must outlive Thy youth, thy strength, thy beauty." (Milton)
My inspiration for a word for the year comes from Ali Edwards. You can read about it on her blog: http://itsallaboutme.typepad.com/
I know I'm rambling but that's my state right now. So for today, let me find the strength to get through today.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Jim is hanging in there
I will be at the hospital in and out tomorrow if anyone wants to call my cell and say a few words to him. Cell 941-350-1377. I'm doing more frequent visits but for a shorter time so as not to tire him.
Mistakes continue
The doctor scheduled this for today and I signed all of the consent papers yesterday. I went in to see him before the procedure so I would not be in the way. His nurse came in and said he was going to have the B procedure and I told her that I knew that and would be leaving once he came. She then gave him his meds. They were smashed into powder so he could take them and then he was given water to flush them down.
The doctor walked in during this and could not believe the nurse was giving him the meds. He said to the nurse what are you doing. Did you not know we were going to do this procedure. She said yes but she wanted to get the meds out of they way. The doctor said don't you understand NPO before this procedure. She said she did not realize this. The doctor had to cancel the procedure again. It will now be Monday.
I went outside and just screamed. There was no one out there so it was no problem. I had a cig and calmed down. I went to the head nurse and said to please remove this nurse from Jim's care as I felt she did not know what she was doing.
I went back into the room and she was there hanging an antiabiotic. She apologized and said she did not know. I said you should have know because you are a nurse in critical care. She then started to argue with me. I didn't say a thing and went and got the head nurse and said get her out of there. I do not need her arguing with me. This was a stupid mistake and completely uncalled for.
I left for a while and then came back and watched some of the Ball State football game with him. He is drowsy but will open his eyes when you say his name. I'm home now but will go back in a little while and watch some of the playoff game with him.
Right now: Not as scared as last night but very nervous. His situation is very unstable and we just keep praying. The pulminary doctor said he is a little more stable that yesterday but he will see on Monday how the procedure goes.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Evening Update
Gen Doctor: Ordered a battery of tests and cultures. We will see if they show anything. Ordered a chest xray. Right now they really not know what is going on. Consults we called in and we will watch him carefully. Ordered two pints of blood because of Low hemocrit and low hemoglobin.
Vent Tech: blood oxygen test showed lower oxygen levels requiring the vent to be put back on.
Pulminary Doctor: Doing a brochetomy in the morning. This could be just a bump in the road or something more serious. We just have to watch him carefully to see what happens. He said Jim does ths periodically so Jim will tell us where we are going.
Renal/Kidney doctor: High creatine and high protein. Both show kidney problems. He said when the oxygen levels are low the blood produces more protein and that is bad for the kidneys. He is hoped the blood will resolve this problem. He ordered a sonagram of the kidneys. No results yet.
When I first went in this morning Jim was unresponsive to me. He would barely open his eyes. Late today he would open his eyes more and respond to me. His color was good so that is one good sign.
Father Mike came to see Jim midday and Jim opened his eyes for him. The priest talked to him and it seemed that JIm was listening to him. Father Mike prayed with him and when he said the Lords Prayer Jim mouthed the words.
Not the best of days. Lots of tears. Thank you Jackie for being there for me and just listening and then making me eat tonight I love you.
Big time prayers are needed tonight. Jim is in serious need of help. If I put everything I heard today together the prognosis is not very good. Jim and I are both comfortable with our love and he knows that if he feels it is time that it is OK for him to leave. This was the hardest thing I have ever done to tell him that it was OK. I told him I would always love him and I wanted him by my side but that I understood that his poor body has been through so much and that if he needed to go please to go with peace. He smiled at me and told me he loved me. Now we just wait and see.
Quick Update
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Dificult Day for Jim

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Sleepy Day for Jim
I checked back later and the nurse told me he was still sleeping so I did not go in at dinner time. Mom had been there around 4:00 and he didn't wake up for her either so I'm just letting him sleep. At around 8:30 I called and had them put the Fiesta Bowl on. We're not sure if he watched any of it. I'll see tomorrow.
I know I am not going to get a lot of sympathy here from my northern friends but we have a freeze warning in effect for tonight. I mean it is really cold here. Tonight when I walked Misty I had my heavy robe on and my heavy coat on over it. Let's just say it was a very short walk.
Thanks Mom for dinner tonight. The soup was really good and warmed me up inside. Love You.