No that does not mean that I'm down. It means I have started painting my scraproom blue. That's right I have to have something to paint so I am now working on the scraproom. Some of you may think this is a guest room but . . .
I am taking a 4 week digital scrapbooking class online. Here is my layout for week 2. I was not able to get the florish working but the rest of it does not look too bad. This is done in Photoshop Elements and I'm enjoying the class.
Jim was a little more alert today. I think that was because they had him on the full vent at 40% overnight. They backed this up to pressure support this afternoon and he seemed to be doing fine. The cultures have not come back yet but his fever is back to normal. Dr. Hume said we have to expect these adjustments. We watched TV most of the afternoon. My mom came to visit and he gave her a big smile when she got there.
Thank you Jackie for making dinner tonight. Thanks for the uplift and the surprise dinner.
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