He can not have water until he passes another swallow test. Plus he has to be on the speaking valve for 48 hours before they will give him the test. Today they put him on the speaking valve so we are starting. He had a little trouble to begin with. He was actually having a little panic attack. He has to work harder with this valve. They gave him something to help with this and it did. He knows that he has to stay off the vent for 48 hours so he is trying his best. He also had some pain today so he got two shots for pain. With all that is going on it is amazing that he has not asked for more pain medication.
When he gets the pain medication it really relaxes him and he generally goes to sleep. When I left tonight he was watching the Cubs game but I know he was going to doze off. I just took a minute to call the hospital and they said they had to put Jim back on the vent. He was really working hard on the breathing and his saturation was down to 70. Heather said he's now sleeping and breathing much better. We'll try it again tomorrow. No fever so that is good.
I went to my sisters tonight for dinner. I took Misty with me and she had a good time. We cooked a pork loin on the grill with some potatoe and onions in a foil pack. It was really good. We played cards afterward and Mom, Barbara and Jackie skunked me. I hate it when I lose. It was fun to get out but it's 12:30 now and I'm going to bed.
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