I am reminded these days of a line from a song, "Climbing the mountain and then down a small revine..." Well that is exactly what my days are like. This weekend Jim looked awful and was doing awful. He was having a really rough time and he couldn't even get off the full vent status. Today I walked into his room and he was sitting up, he was off the vent and he was smiling and fully alert and he said to me, Hi Honey, how are you! I looked at the nurse and said what's up. She just looked at me and said, He's doing great. They took approximately 2 gallons of water out of him in the last 15 hours. This made such a tremedous change I couldn't believe it. Jim asked me how long he had been out. The last week was a total blur to him.
He was able to talk to Jack and Josh today and he got a real kick out of that. I wish I had had my camera with me because he was all smiles. He read the newspaper and checked out the sports page. Wow I never know what is going to happen with him. It creates real highs and lows for me. But I like the highs so much better.
Remember I told you I was taking a digital Adobe Elements class online. Today I learned out to change a photo to sepia and the colorize a portion of the photo. I am so proud.
Went to bingo tonight and no I did not win again. My sister did though.
Everyone wish son Bob Happy Birthday. I forgot and I am so sorry. Bob I hope it was a good one and that the chocolate cake was great. Jim did not forget. He told Jack to wish Bob a happy birthday. It is amazing that he knew it was Bob's birthday.
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