Jim had another really good day. He was off the vent for 10 hours. This is the best he has done since his relapse. We are going to go for 12 hours tomorrow. He was really tired at the end of the 10 hours. They are pushing him harder on getting off the vent and they are making him work at this. This is good for him. It is too easy to just leave him on the vent. They need him to work at it and he is really being a trouper about it. Midafternoon today he was really tired and so was I so I just crawled into the other bed with my head at the bottom of the bed. I could watch him from this vantage point but in actuality I fell asleep too. The nurses left us alone and I had a hour and a half nap. I couldn't believe it.
The wound changes were a little hard on him today and he needed some pain meds for that. He doesn't ask often for drugs so when he does ask you know that he really needs them. He was in good spirits and is working to come off the vent. What this means for him is that he will be able to eat and drink and he really needs the nutrients this will provide.
I am taking a digital scrapbooking class for the next four weeks so tonight I tried doing one of the homework pages. This is the page I did. I can't seem to get rid of the red lines but I am working on it. Have a great weekend. Go Notre Dame. Go Bucs. Go Bears.
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