The funniest thing happened at the hospital today with Jim. (Well it wasn't funny at the time but it is now.) Misty and I went to visit Jim. We had been there about an hour and so I took Misty out for a potty break. When we came back in Jim asked if she was a good girl and I told him yes. I got the treats out of the closet and asked him if he wanted to give her one. He said no so I gave it to her. A few minutes later he asked me to give him one. Thinking nothing about it I gave him one. You know what he did. He popped it in his mouth. He's never done this. I freaked out because he has not passed the swallow test and he could apsiciate on this. I called the nurses by running out in the hall. They came running and we tried to get it out but it was gone. He ate it. They suctioned him and swabbed his mouth . . . nothing. Julie asked him how it tasted. He said bad. so she told him that she would tell Megan tomorrow. He may have passed the swallow test.
Football Sunday is always good for JIm. He loves watching the games and it keeps him busy. WE watched the Miami game. I really thought they might win. Jim and I are both still in the loser's pool. I took SF and Jim took the Jets. We were the only ones that picked these teams. We have never lasted this long in the pool. I guess that is because there have not been very many upsets this year.
I am continuing to paint the guestroom/scraproom. I am more than halfway now.
Nancy, Caroline and Cathy, Jim is so excited that you may come to visit. He said, I've got to get better because my sisters are coming. That's the spirit I like to see.
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