Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year
Patty and Jim
Saturday, December 29, 2007
7 Months and 10 Days

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Jim's A Little Scared Today
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas Miracle

Sunday, December 23, 2007
Not the Christmas I had hoped for

Friday, December 21, 2007
Jim had a Steak & Shake Milkshake

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Christmas Lights Have Put Me in the Spirit

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Deck the Halls

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Santa Arrives in 7 Days

Monday, December 17, 2007
Jim now has a doctorate in the Swallow Test Arena

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Football Sunday

Saturday, December 15, 2007
Hanging Out on Saturday

Friday, December 14, 2007
Surgical Update

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Christmas Celebrations

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Dr. Schiro's Report
1. We can do nothing and the worst will happen. It will be slow and it will be painful.
2. We can open the chest cavity and remove a portion of the sternum and clean out the area between the sternum and the heart. This is a very strenuous surgery. There is no way to tell if the stiches will hold inside. He gives this option a 50 50 percentage.
3. We can get in a plastic surgeon and between Dr. Schiro and Dr. Van Winkle they will remove muscle from the pectorial muscle area and put it into the chest cavity and then sew it up. Infections do not heal without blood and this area is not getting a lot of blood. I did not know this but muscle is full of blood. Introducing blood to this area will pull the infection out. I don't know how but this is what he said. This option the doctor put at 90 percent success. It is not as hard on the body.
Jim and I have talked about this and we have decided on Option 3. Jim does not want to continue the status quo. He wants to be aggressive. He wants to live but he does not want to just lay their and let this infection take over. Jim is fully aware of his situation and the doctor explained all of these options to both of us. It is ultimately Jim's decision and he told Dr. Schiro he wants the surgery.
The two doctor's offices are talking and are trying to coordinate their schedules and hopefully the surgery will be at the beginning of next week. He will be transferred to Sarasota Memorial Hospital for the surgery. If the surgery is Monday, then the best case senerio is that he will be back at Healthsouth by the end of the week.
Dr. Schiro was very upbeat about this. He said to Jim, "Let's get this fixed so you and I can go to a Yankee spring training game in Tampa."
Yes I am scared. But this is the first time in a long time that I feel there might actually be some hope of Jim getting better. This chest infection is what is holding him back. Even Dr. Hume was excited about this procedure. He was totally against surgery on Monday. As we all believed, we thought our only option was the second one. Ok one more time. Big prayers are needed.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
A perfect Winter Day

Christmas Day 11

Sunday, December 9, 2007
Donald is Here

Saturday, December 8, 2007
18 Days to Christmas
A Little Time Outside Today

Thursday, December 6, 2007
A favorite moment
I'm Back From the Frozen Tundra
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Chicago Report @2
Today he wanted to know where I was and I had to remind him that I am in Chicago and will be back Wednesday night.
As for me I am having a little fun. I have been hugging my grandchildren so tight. I think Teresa would notice if I took them back with me. I tried to bribe Jack with a trip to Disney World but he is still not up to it. Maybe next year.
Tonight I went to the CCBA board meeting/Christmas party. It was fun to see everyone and laugh a little. I need laughter and this trip has really given me some much needed laughter.
Some say snow tomorrow. I certainly hope not because I have a day planned with the kids. we are going to see Santa.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Snow in Chicago
I got to talk to Jim and wish him a happy birthday. The boys all sang to him and I am sure he was smiling. Happy birthday honey. I love you.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Chicago Report

This is new for Jim. He is sitting in a chair and playing freecell. The neck brace is to protect his neck while he is out of bed. The vent machine in the background is off.
Last night they told me Jim is doing great. He was off the vent all day but they put him on at night so he gets a good night sleep. He did not want to eat yesterday. He only drank some of the juice, milk and water. No fever. Mary told me he was a little depressed because he missed me.
I spent the day with my grandchildren and got a million hugs. It was wonderful. We went to Portello's for a birthday celebration. This is one thing I miss about Chicago. Most of the day was spent just playing with the boys. I even played Candy Land. Teresa's father brought me my favorite birthday cake from the Mexican bakery. Oh it was good.
Jackie and Mom thank you for taking care of Jim while I'm gone. Jackie I hope Misty is better. Yesterday she chewed through her collar and kept Jackie up all night.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Jim played freecell today
All is well and I am off to Chicago in a couple of hours. Jack I'm on my way.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Bingo Night

Sunday, November 25, 2007
The end of Thanksgiving Weekend
Friday, November 23, 2007
Black Friday
We have a new woman in the house. Misty is in heat for the first time. Poor thing is having cramps and is not feeling very well. She just looks at me with those sad eyes. I feel so sorry for her.
Spent the afternoon with Jim and he is doing fine. He was off the vent again. They put him back on last night at midnight which means he was off for almost 11 hours yesterday. Today he did not have a fever so that is good. Today they took him off at 11:30 and just now put him back on. We watched a couple of TV movies and just hung out.
Tonight I went to Scraptherapy and had a good time. We did more chatting than work but that is OK because it's just nice to have some down time and girl time. I love having a place to go hang out and enjoy my new friends.
Hope everyone had a great shopping day and are now home safe and sound.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving Playtime
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving

Update on yesterday
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Having a Melt Down Day
I watched Oprah and when Josh Grosman sang one of his songs I just cried. They tired to take Jim off the vent but he just wasn't strong enough and that made me cry. I came home for awhile and that made me cry. My mom came over and that made me cry. It just was not a good day.
I went back to the hospital at 8:00. Guess what Jim is not fine. I am so mad I could spit and may spit before the night is over. Jim has a temperature of 103 and has had all day and no one told me. Plus Dr. Vega took him off of all the antiabiotics. I was there 5 hours and no one told me. What is wrong with these people.
Nurse Mary put a call into the doctor and he is coming in. I have been calling there every half hour and I still do not have any answers. Dr. Hume told me that Jim would be on these antiabiotics indefinitely. Linda Johnson told me today that she faxed BCBS today that he would be on these antiabiotics indefinitely. Now I can't get any answers from anyone. I know I am ranting but it's all I can do.
Mary said they are running all the cultures but that takes days. This may be a very long night for me.
Monday, November 19, 2007
A little depression today
I don't know about you but I would be depressed also. He has been so great throughout this ordeal and we have come so far. I hope he can hang in there and see this through even though there are bumps in the road.
The nurse told me tonight that he was awake and watching the football game. He was totally cooperative so that is a good sign. Good night to all.
Digital Scrapbooking Class

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Jim had a good Football Sunday
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Jim's Improving

Jim had another good day. He is still on the vent because the doctor wants to make sure that he has the best chance of getting back off he vent. He said that he wants Jim to rest over the weekend and not work to hard with his breathing. Any time the lungs fill with co2 it takes some time to completely rid the system of the co2. Thus the vent. He is only on pressure support, much like a cpap machine. Luckily it is the weekend and Jim loves to watch football so that keeps him occupied. Today the Fighting Irish won 28-7 over Duke so this made him happy.
Today was busy for me. I started the day with a breakfast party given by the Women's Club. My sister Jackie was in charge of the baby shower program and it was a buffet at Yoder's. Now Yoder's has one of the best breakfast buffet's outside of the fancy hotels.
Then I was off to the hospital to see Jim. ONce I was home I finally finished this layout from my digital scrapbooking class. It was really complicated and I think it turned out pretty good. What fun this is. I used some old Easter photos that fit the theme of the class.
Tonight I went to a party to unveil the new Creative Cafe at my local scrapbook store. We had a great time playing with the new cafe items, eating and drinking. I even won two door prizes. Now that is fun.
Friday, November 16, 2007
So Much Better Today
that he is breathing on his own but if he needs help it is there. He had a lot os secretions but they were staying on top of them. His vitals were all normal and his oxygen saturation was back to 100 percent. We watched I Thee Wed DVD and he was laughing throughout the movie. I felt it was OK for me to go ahead and play in the Sarasota Sectional for one session.
I came back after the session and he was doing great. The tech said the doctor had been in and they decided to keep in on the vent overnight and try to take it off in the morning. So that is the plan. All vitals normal. All blood oxygen levels are fine. He looked happy and content. I shared some bridge hands with him and he told me what I did wrong. So the day went great and we'll see what tomorrow brings.
I told him that Paul Soloway died this week and he was sad to hear this news. Our sympathies go out to his family. Deibetes is such a horrible disease and is relentless on the body.
It was so sad to see Jim's family leave on Wednesday. We hope to see they again soon. Guys, remember when it snows a foot it's time to make a trip to Florida.
Thanks Kay and Bob for the card. Jim loved your hug.
Thursday Not So Good
I went down to see Jim again and the nurse was in with him and all of a sudden he stopped breathing. People came from everywhere and I went into the corner and just cried. Someone took me out of the room and just told me to breath and then the doctor came out and said he was ok that the trach clogged and he was now breathing. For the next hour I sat in the room with him and kept telling him I was there and holding his hand. The tech's never left his side. There were also 2 or 3 nurses there at all times.
They decided to put him back on the vent because his oxygen levels were very low. the CO2 built up in his lungs and they needed to clear that out. Once he was stable and talking to me I just put a movie in and we watched Ocean 13. He finally fell asleep and was resting comfortably.
I called at 10:00 and at 1:00 and he was resting comfortably.
Obviously he is not being moved now. I just checked with the hospital and he is comfortable and alert and interacting with the nurses. For those of you that I should have called I'm sorry. I just could not face this last night. I will check in with you this weekend.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Way to quiet at my house
Monday, November 12, 2007
Jim may be moving

Football Sunday
Nancy and Kathy spent most of the day with Jim today. Caroline had a bug so we did not want her there. I spent a little time with him today but not very much. I went in at lunch time to feed him and he was adament that he was not hungry and was not going to eat. And that was that. Cathy supervised the wound care dressing change to check things out. She said that the nurse was really good but the wounds are bad and a lot more care is needed.
When I went back to pick up N and K Jim had a fever of 100.8 and he was not feeling real well. He mainly just wanted us to leave him alone so he could sleep. At 6:45 temp down to 99.5 and at midnight it was normal. He actually ate something at dinner. Not much just some yogart and cranberry juice but it is better than nothing.
I fixed dinner for everyone tonight. Mom, Jackie and friend Barabara also joined us. The meatloaf was great, the potatoes not cooked and the veggies cold. The salad was perfect and so was the key lime pie mom brought. Oh well I tried. Afterward we played Hands and Foot. It was a fun night.
Here's to a better week.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
ND Loses Again
Jim's sisters and niece and grandniece arrived tonight so hopefully this will perk him up. Everything is status quo. More tomorrow.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Sand Bed is Back
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I'm totally exhausted -- from shopping
Today my sister and I went on the Scrapbook Shop Hop. We went to Bonita Springs, which is an hour and a half south and then worked our way back to Sarasota. WE went to 6 scrapbook stores and had a ball. Each store had a project for us to do and what fun that was. Plus we got some great ideas for more projects. We left this morning at 9:30 and did not get back to Sarasota until almost 7:00.
Once we were back I picked up Misty and we headed to the hospital to see Jim. He missed me today but was relaxed and watching TV. They gave him tomato soup for breakfast. Guess what he ate it and was happy about it. They are loading him up with soups now and that is good because he likes them. Dr. Liggett came in while I was there and said Jim is doing great. The stomach wound has now closed up. Now this hole was completely open into the stomach and now closed. I can't believe it. The center portion of the chest wound is also closed. We are hoping this continues to heal and that the underneath portion is not tunneling. The butt sore is also showing improvement finally. She was concerned about the adema but is going to change the meds and order some albumin tests. The is a balance between the dryness in the heart and the fluids in the extremities. Not sure what this means. We won't be seeing Dr. L. until Thanksgiving now as she is off rotation.
Off to bed now. Shopping is such hard work.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Busy Monday

Sunday, November 4, 2007
Lazy Sunday
Misty was with us today and we watched some football. The Bucs won so that was good. Next came the Colts game and sadly they lost. (But guess who I had in the losers pool). Hint I'm still in. Jim is now out of the losers pool. He had Green Bay. It seemed like a normal Sunday. I spent the afternoon reading the paper and watching football with Jim.
Dr. Liggett came in and was gushing all over Jim. Wow looks what's happened in the six days I was gone. You're off he vent and it's not even in the room. You are eating. She said to Jim, "We are going to get you better and get you home. You have the right attitude and she patted his head and said, your brain and heart are in the right place and you are getting there. She wanted to tweak his lasix because he has some adema in his hands and feet but she said that is minor.
Muriel I asked her about the baby food and she said go for it. She said if he wants fruit that is the way to go. If he has a fruit craving something in his body wants it. I stopped at the store on the way home and bought 4 jars of fruit and some chicken and noodles. Will try it tomorrow. He just does not like their hot food.
I almost have my guest room done. It is all painted now I have to put everything back in order and hang the shelves. Pictures to come. I am done painting. I have been painting or 4 months. That is enough.
Took a Little Time to Play Today

Friday, November 2, 2007
More tomorrow. Tired to night.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
A little let down after a good day

Today was kind of a let down after yesterday being so good. The day started out really well but we did some backsliding.
Harriette Buckman came to see Jim today. She was there in the morning while Jim was still wide awake. He enjoyed her visit and it was good to visit with Harriette and catch up on all of the news. Thanks Harriette. You brightened Jim's day.
Letter in the day we had pick line troubles. Jim's pick site is infected. This seems to happen about every 6 weeks. They have removed the old line and placed a new one in the other arm. We hope this is the reason for his fever. They also sent cultures out on every other thing they could think of. They just are being cautious.
Before Jim could have anything to eat or drink that is all he wanted. Now . . . he can have some of these things and he doesn't want them. He loves the yogart so he eats all they will give him. He likes the fruit juices, water and milk but does not care for anything else. I can't blame him it looks awful. Pureed meat is not pleasant to look at.
He spend most of the day sleeping but that is OK because he heals faster when he sleeps.
This layout was part of my digtal class this week. I can't believe I actually did this. What fun.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Eventful Halloween

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Happy Halloween
Busy Monday

Sunday, October 28, 2007
Misty Shares with Jim

The funniest thing happened at the hospital today with Jim. (Well it wasn't funny at the time but it is now.) Misty and I went to visit Jim. We had been there about an hour and so I took Misty out for a potty break. When we came back in Jim asked if she was a good girl and I told him yes. I got the treats out of the closet and asked him if he wanted to give her one. He said no so I gave it to her. A few minutes later he asked me to give him one. Thinking nothing about it I gave him one. You know what he did. He popped it in his mouth. He's never done this. I freaked out because he has not passed the swallow test and he could apsiciate on this. I called the nurses by running out in the hall. They came running and we tried to get it out but it was gone. He ate it. They suctioned him and swabbed his mouth . . . nothing. Julie asked him how it tasted. He said bad. so she told him that she would tell Megan tomorrow. He may have passed the swallow test.
Football Sunday is always good for JIm. He loves watching the games and it keeps him busy. WE watched the Miami game. I really thought they might win. Jim and I are both still in the loser's pool. I took SF and Jim took the Jets. We were the only ones that picked these teams. We have never lasted this long in the pool. I guess that is because there have not been very many upsets this year.
I am continuing to paint the guestroom/scraproom. I am more than halfway now.
Nancy, Caroline and Cathy, Jim is so excited that you may come to visit. He said, I've got to get better because my sisters are coming. That's the spirit I like to see.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
It's still raining in Florida

Nothing makes Jim smile more than looking at photos of our grandchildren. He really liked this photo. To Teresa: Jim says, "he needs a haircut." Where have you heard this before.
Jim was very content today. He was off the vent and talking and smiling. However he was sleeping a lot. He seems to have switched his days and nights. WE are not sure why but he has. It may be that we have not seen the sun in 3 days and for Florida that is really unusal. It just keeps raining. This makes the room darker and that is why he thinks it is night. He is progressing with little tiny baby steps. The pulmanists are going to talk to the lung doctors on Monday about keeping him off the vent at night. This is the next big step.
Nancy, Bob, and Caroline, Jim loved the card. It was so funny. Keep them coming.
I did not blog yesterday and it was because the day got away from me. But I'll share my big clumsy act with you today. As you know I am painting the guest room/Scrap room. Well yesterday I was on the ladder with the paint tray in front of me on the ladder. I moved, the tray moved and suddently it was on the floor upside down. What a mess. All clean now but I hope I never do that again.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Resolving Issues today