Well Jim and I met with Dr. Van Winkle tonight. Boy does he have an entirely different opinion on the surgery. He said right now we would have to do both options 1 and 2 and it would be very dangerous.
He says that if you introduce the muscle/blood to the wound it would be fine for the top layer but everything underneath would absese. No good because now you have to clean up underneath and you now have all that muscle. If gives this only a 50 percent change of success.
What he would like to do is put a wound vac on the wound for 3 to 4 weeks and see how much infection they can pull out. He said the wound is much improved over the past month and he thinks this is the best. Then after the first of the year we revisit the surgery option to see where we are. In that time also we can get Jim off the vent. He wants to try another medication that may make JIm's pulminary issues better. He said all of this will greatly increase our chances of success.
Ok so now we have another opinion. What do we do. WE talked with the wound care nurse and she said to go with the plastic surgeons opinion because that is his specialty. So that is what we are going to do. So in the next day or two the wound vac will go on and we will hope for the best.
Donald, Holly and Jackie were there during the doctor visit and they said the doctor made a lot of sense.
I said goodbye to Donald tonight and that was very sad. I will really miss him.
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