Happy Thanksgiving to one and all, to my family, to my friends, and to every single medical person who is working today to take care of my Jim.
Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks for all that we have. These past months have been very hard for me and for Jim but I am thankful for every single day we have together. We have grown closer because of these days. For him I am his rock and his soul mate. We love each other and we tell each other every day. We did not always do this but I am thankful that now we do. Everytime I leave him I am leaving the unknown as to what will happen. But I know in my heart and my soul that he knows I love him and he loves me. That is all that is important. In our other life anything could have happened -- a truck could have mowed us down and maybe that would have been a day we did not tell each ther that we loved the other. That I would have hated. But today I will not feel that way. So yes I have thankful for Jim and my time together.
Today he is doing better. His temperature is normal. He is alert and even smiling. We watched Hairspray today and trust me he was dancing. We also watch Next. A great movie with Nicolas Gage.
I have thankful that I am now closer to my mother and sister. I love them both so much and they are so much a part of me.
I am thankful for my two wonderful nephews Rick and Donald and my new neice Heather.
I am thankful for the extended family Jim has given me. Each and everyone of you is special to me. I had never dreamed I could have such a wonderful gift given to me.
I am thankful for my three wonderful grandchildren. Jack, Josh and Luke. The unconditional love these three boys give to me is a gift from God.
I am thankful for my health and the strength that gets me through these troubled days.
I am thankful for my new friends that I have made at K2 scrapbooking store. You give me such friendship.
I am thankful for my precious Misty and for all the comfort she gives to me. She is a wonderful sounding board.
I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and may all of you count your blessings and share them with the ones you love.
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