I took a little time off to play today. The Women's Club was having their annual Luncheon and Card Party today and I went off with Mom and Jackie and had a really good time. We played Hands and Food and had a fun lunch. If was great to get out and have some girl time. Our friend Barbara played with us.
I went to see Jim after the card party and he was enthralled with the Notra Dame game so I ran home to take Misty out. I then went back to the hospital and watched 3 overtimes with Jim. It was pretty exciting but ND finally succumed to Navy.
They changed Jim's antidepressant today to see if they can get a better result. The old one was making him pretty irratable and we really don't want that. He once again did not want the hot food. He ate the yogart and rice pudding plus all of the fluids (milk, water and cranberry juice). He was having pain in his hip, his shoulder and neck. He said he didn't want anything for pain so I hope it was tolerable.
Went to the movie tonight and saw American Gangster with Denzel Washington. It was a pretty good movie. Would recommend. Don't forget to change your clocks today.
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