Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Chicago Report @2

Jim misses me is the report. He is still on the vent but they hope to take him off tomorrow. He is only on pressure support today and he is doing fine. No fever and all vitals are normal. All the blood tests have come back normal.

Today he wanted to know where I was and I had to remind him that I am in Chicago and will be back Wednesday night.

As for me I am having a little fun. I have been hugging my grandchildren so tight. I think Teresa would notice if I took them back with me. I tried to bribe Jack with a trip to Disney World but he is still not up to it. Maybe next year.

Tonight I went to the CCBA board meeting/Christmas party. It was fun to see everyone and laugh a little. I need laughter and this trip has really given me some much needed laughter.

Some say snow tomorrow. I certainly hope not because I have a day planned with the kids. we are going to see Santa.

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