Friday, August 24, 2007

You've Got Mail

I just love to go in to see Jim and to tell him "He's got mail." He loves all the cards he's received and it is such a pleasure for him. I put them on his bulletin board along with photos of his grandsons and children. I've used up one bulletin board and have started on the other one. So keep the cards coming. It really lifts his spirits. (HealthSouth Ridgelake Hospital, 6150 Edgelake Drive, Sarasota, FL 34240)
Today Dr. Hume told me that Jim looks better today than any other time since he has been seeing him. His color is good. His lungs are clear and he shows no sign of a fever. The cultured everything today to see if there is any infection anywhere. His wounds are bad but they are getting better. His spirits are good and he's really glad football has started because there is nothing on TV in the summer.
Jim went into the hospital the last week of the TV season so we have not watched any of the season finales. My sister Jackie suggested I hook up the TV with the VCR in it and record what I have on the DVR. I have been doing this for 2 days and tomorrow Jim and I are going to have a TV marathon. I will finally get to see the season finales. I still don't know what happened on Grey's Antomoy and Ugly Betty. This will be a great surprise for Jim. I'll just take the TV to the hospital.
I went to a scrapbook crop tonight and it was good to just sit and have fun and meet some new people. Since coming to Florida and have not really gotten out because of what has been going on so I got out there tonight. K2 Scrapbook Studio is wonderful and all of the ladies there have been so kind and wonderful. It is now like my second home and a place I can go and relax with my new friends.

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