Yes they say don't go to bed mad but tonight I am. I just got off the phone with the hospital. Once again they have given Jim morphine. He asked the nurse for something for pain. He has told them time and again he just wants tynenol. The nurse asked his pain level and he said 4. So she gave him morphine. I asked her if he asked for morphine and she said no, she just gave it to him. What is going to happen if his pain level if 6 - 7 or 8. What are they going to give him then? Jim does not want to get addicted to pain meds but the night nurses keep giving it to him. I don't know what to do.
Also at 4:00 they told me they were going to give him dinner. The doctor said he was going to get dinner. Then the nurses decided no there was a little dye in his sputum so they wanted to be careful so no dinner. Jim is in a viscious cycle right now. His wounds are not going to heal without food and now once again they will not give it to him.
Then last night they bumped his head again. I didn't not know about this until Jim told Dr. Hume today. Dr. Hume asked JIm 4 different times about this and finally Jim said, "I've told you 4 times already. At 2:00 they gave me a bath and then when they slid me up they bumped my head." What am I going to do? This is supposed to be a good hospital and the next closest place is in St. Petersburg. Dr. Hume was supposed to meet me between 12 and 1 and of course I had to track him down at 2:00.
Other than all this frustration Jim is feeling pretty good. They are talking about getting him up as long as it will not put any pressure on the stomach wound. WE don't want to pop the plug. The sonagram of the lungs showed very little fluids. The MRI is back but I need to talk with the neurosurgen about this. He has a small hole in his heart surgery incision. They did a culture of this today and an infectionist disease doctor was in to look at it. The plastic surgeon is going to come in and look at this tomorrow along with looking at his bed sores.
As for me Misty had a playdate with my nephews dog Rizso today. Both were exhausted after this. Rizso is a 4 year old pug and spent most of her time trying to hide from our little puppy Misty. Mom, Jackie and I went to Bingo tonight and I won three bingo's. Not sure if they will let me come back next week. Especially since Jackie was filling in as the caller. One of my bingo's tonight was won on number 23. A special number for Jim and I, son Bob's birthday is on the 23 and so is Jack and Lucas.
Feeling a little better now that I got all of this off my chest.
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