Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Jim's Fiestier Than Ever

The doctors are all completely confused over Jim. He seems to be the best he has been since his surgery. All of his stats are normal. They can not find a reason for his heart stopping. They are now going to look into a pacemaker. The cardiologist is coming in tomorrow. But Jim is fiesty now. They are being careful with his care. They are taking the venetilator on and off just to make sure everything is OK. What this means to Jim is that he can not eat, drink or talk. These are the three things he want to do. The pulminary doctor told me late today that they are going to be aggressive with getting him back off the vent.
Something else that is new. Today he wanted to do the Crypto puzzle and the sudoku from the paper. I take the paper in everyday and read him the highlights. Today he said he wanted the puzzle section. Occupational therapy is working with him so that he can do these puzzles. Tomorrow they are bringing in some kind of easel so he can read the fantasy magazines. He has to draft at the end of the month so he has studying to do.
Today I finished my pages for the monthly scrapbooking contest at the local scrapbook store. I focused on Jack's preschool graduation. Tonight I went to Bingo with my mother and sister at our clubhouse and I won one bingo for $15. This is not a big bingo hall just the people in our complex. I made a profit of $6 but still it was fun.
Well off to bed so that I am rested for whatever comes tomorrow.

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