It seems that over the past two days Jim had gone through a total transformation. He is really alert and aware of what is going on. He doesn't seem so foggy. He has now been off the ventilator since Thursday. Tomorrow he is scheduled for his swallow test. We hope this is still on because today once again his cranberry juice was leaking out of the hole where the feeding tube had been. Dr. Nora is going to put a fibrous plug in the hole and hope that will do the trick. They made Jim NPO around 5:00 today and he just shook his head. Not again he said. He wants to eat so bad. So with any luck this will not hold us back tomorrow.
Kathy and Bob spent most of the day with Jim. They nurses put him in a recliner and rolled him down to the day room to give him a change of scenery. He stayed there almost an hour until his butt started to hurt. He has a bed sore the size of a coffee saucer. But this gave him a real uplift. He was talking really well today also. He was even able to talk to his two sisters in Indiana.
Yes he was talking. When I went to see him at 5:00. He told me to go home. He wanted to sleep. See he's fiesty. Took a quick trip back at 7:30 to make sure the football game was on and to say good night. Guess what he wanted to talk about. Me getting a job. He said go get a job, you are paying $727 for your Cobra. I told him all in good time. He is my job right now. He also told me that I was going to make a callous on this hand where I keep rubbing it. Yes he's feeling better.
I know everything looks so good but I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Although this is the best I've seen him I can't forget he has lots of problems but just maybe we have turned the corner. I know seeing his children has been a big lift for him. Having this much love surround him has to be good. I will say a prayer tonight for us to keep going up the hill.
Kathy and I were looking at photos tonight and I found one of my favorites. Here it is.
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