Thursday, August 30, 2007
Quiet Day

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
They say you shouldn't go to bed mad

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Painting the Kitchen
Before Jim and I moved to Sarasota everyone knew that I hated the kitichen. These apples are awful. I had to do something with all of the extra time I have on my hands so . . . what's a person to do. Jim told me not to paint the kitchen. But . . . I kept telling him while he was in the coma if you don't wake up I'm going to paint the kitchen. He took his good natured time about waking up so here I am painting the kitchen. He did wake up and he is getting better and I am only half done painting the kitchen. I have now broken down and told him I am painting. I have even taken in photos of what I have done so far. He now agrees that the kitchen looks better than before. So I am now hurridly working to get this done. All I have left is the top cabinets on one wall. As you can see it looks a whole lot better. You can't really tell here but it is a very light orange with white doors and trim.
They are going very slow with Jim right now. They are afraid to turn him or work on his PT. This neck situation is really holding him back. I asked the doctor to call me today but he didn't. It is always a problem getting them to call me back. So I really don't have any new news today. They did a sonagram of his lungs but as usually it is hurry up and wait. Hopefully I'll have more news tomorrow.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Made Jim Smile Today
Every day I try to bring in a card or photo that will make Jim smile. I was looking through some photos this morning and found this one. I printed it 8 x 10 so he can really see it. He loved this picture and I got a really big smile. He gave me a bigger grin when I told him that Lucas's shirt said, "That's It. I'm going to grandma's." You have got to love that.
Jim had another good day today. He went to the hospital for a MRI of his neck. The trip didn't tire him as much as previous trips so I think he is getting stronger. Dr. Nora was in and put a form of glue into his stomach hole. The good thing he said was that the hole was almost closed. This glue is the same glue that they use to close up surgical patients after heart surgery. We are hoping this will work and that he will be able to eat soon. The sooner he eats the sooner he'll get his strength back.
I had a meeting today with the hospital administrator regarding Jim's broken neck and the entire situation surrounding this. They are now on notice.
We are still on the upward track so keep praying for the best because he is still fighting to get better. Tomorrow PT is going to get him to sit on the side of the bed. This is big. I hope he can do this.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Lazy Sunday's

Saturday, August 25, 2007
Rainbows Lift Our Spirits

There is just something so beautiful about a rainbow. Today Jim and I were watching it rain when a perfectly formed rainbow appeared outside his window. We couldn't stop looking at it as we smiled and just enjoyed the beauty of it. Jim asked me to go to the window and see where it ended. It ended over our house. Jim said, "Soon I'll be able to go home. The rainbow says so."
We had a really good day today. We watched TV all day, just as if we had been at home. We finally watched some of the season finale's that we missed in May. I transfered from our DVR to videotape so today we saw Ugly Betty, Criminal Mines, Bones, CSI Miami and Desperate Housewifes. It was great. Misty spent part of the day with us. Jack, grandma is working on your Harry Potter scarf. I have it half done.
The doctor said Jim is getting stronger and it was time to see if he can sit on the side of the bed. So either tomorrow or Monday we are going to give that a shot. It will give him such a boost.
Friday, August 24, 2007
You've Got Mail
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Misty Visits Jim
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Kathryn left tonight.
Jim looks better today than he has looked throughout this ordeal. He had lots of action today. A plastic surgeon (and according to Kathryn he was very easy to look at) came in and removed the scab from Jim's bedsores. They are actually healing. The stomach doctor came in to put the plug in but the nursing staff ordered the wrong materials. Now it will have to wait a week while Dr. Nora goes on vacation. This is an experimental treatment so no one else can really do it. A nuerosurgeon came in to see Jim's neck also. Not really sure what is going to happen there but none of it is any good. This doctor also told us to get some protein powder and give it to Jim, he needs it to heal. Dr. Hume said Jim is looking much better.

As for me I actually slept for 10 hours last night. I needed it bad and plan to do the same thing tonight. Went to Scrap and Dash and that is always fun and then my sister and I were off to the airport with Kathryn. I don't like to drive that bridge but Jackie does not seem to mind. Thank God for my Sister. I would never have made it through this without her. Jackie I love you. You are my rock.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Happy Birthday Mom

Kathy spent the entire day with Jim today. He is so happy to have her here with him. You can just see it in his face. They talked and relaxed and just generally had a great day together. The plug stuff for his stomach hole finally came in today and Dr. Nora is going to come in tomorrow and plug up the hole. Hopefully once this is done Jim will be able to eat. They give him food and liquids and then take them away from. It is just awful for him because he wants a drink so bad. He is getting nutrition through an IV but it just is not the same as putting something in your mouth.
He seemed a little better to me today. He was more alert and was asking about day to day stuff like have I paid for my Cobra and have I paid the car payment. Which by the way on September 1st will be our last car payment. (Doing the happy dance) Kathy was amazed that he was able to pick out names of people on the TV today such as old singers and writers His mind is very active and seems as sharp as ever. I had worried about this because for several days he seemed so confused. He has declined all pain medication. He says he's done with that stuff.
Since Jim is talking now he has been getting phone calls. He really can't answer the phone but when I am there I can get the phone for him. He loves to hear from people. I am usually there from 11:30 to 1:00 and 5:00 to 7:00. If I don't answer just call back. The direct line is 941-342-3132. Don't everyone call tomorrow space out those calls. If the nurses are in the room they will pick up the phone for him.
Thanks to everyone for all of your thoughts and prayers. Patty and Misty
Monday, August 20, 2007
Jim's Health Care Advocate

Today I realized that I have a more important role to Jim than being his wife. I am his health care advocate. I have to make sure he is getting the best care possible and that his rights are protected and that his dignity is left intact. Last Friday Jim was given a roommate. This roommate has Lou Gerig's Disease and he also has a stap infection. Jim is in isolation for Mirsa and I was told that he would never have a roommate because of this.
No I do not mind a roommate but when this did happen he lost all of his privacy and I was concerned for the transfer of staph when he is trying to recover from this. Of course this happened last Friday at 6:00 when there was nothing I could do about it but to complain to the nurses who could do nothing about this. Now Tom had issues that I sympathize with but he has 4-5 visitors at all times. This means that Jim is no longer in isolation because these people are in an out all the time. Jim can not get out of bed so all of his business is taken care of in bed. Because he has only the TV for entertainment he can't close his curtain. Therefore no privacy. I worried about this all weekend. Today it came to a head with me. They were trying to to a bedpan with him the curtain was open and all these people were going in and out. The patient advocate came out of me and unfortuantly I had to go all the way to the people that can make these decisions. I was nice, I was patient but I was firm. I told them this could not continue. Fortunately, we were able to work this out and Jim is now in a private room.
Lots of activity today. He was taken on a field trip today to have a CT scan of his neck. No results yet but we think it is just a strained muscle from leaning his head in one direction. A padiotrist came in an checked Jim's foot and clipped his toenails. He has a small sore that needs to be watched. Dr. Nora came in to check the stomach wound and he is coming back tomorrow to try and plug the hole.
Kathy and Bob stayed with Jim until Bob had to leave for the airport. I went to a quilt club meeting with my mother and had a great time. Jim watched the football game so he was doing fine.
Bob and Kathy talked to the doctors today about Jim's condition. It is still going to be a very long and hard road. All we can do is hope for the best. Jim is not healing and the longer he stays in bed the weaker he gets. A lot will depend on how much fight he has left in him. It is very hard on him as it would be on all of us. All we can do is be there for him and love him. The rest is up to Jim and all the higher powers we can call on.
We went to Leroy Selmons for lunch today and my sister took this picture of us. My god I look awful. I need to get some more rest. Those bags under my eyes are huge. I have no perm left and it is so hot here that all I can do is pull my hair back and off my neck.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Jim is Looking So Good

Kathy and Bob Arrived Today
Sorry Larry but it's a good picture of Jim.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Jim smiled while he slept today.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Remembering Happier Times

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
A Bit Confused Today

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Jim's Fiestier Than Ever
Back at Healthsouth

Monday, August 13, 2007
Dr. Morgan
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Jim's New Look at Life
- Maybe a mild heart attack. Dr. to determine tomorrow.
- Maybe a mucas clot got in the trach so he couldn't breathe which made his heart slow down and stop
- Chest x-ray showed improvement from 2 weeks ago
- Giving him a pint of blood. Hemoglobin is low
- There is an infection somewhere and the can not find it but are working on it
- Lots of antibiotics
- Dopomine for blood pressure
- 40% oxygen, down from this morning
Saturday - A Busy Day
After class I went to see Jim. We've had a couple of pretty bad days. It seems you are going along just fine and then Bam. You hit a wall. Jim spiked a 103 temp on Thursday and we were desperate to find the cause and to get the temp down. I spent the entire day with him. My job was to put fresh ice packs under his arms, groin and forehead every 30 minutes. We were able to get the temp down but it just wiped him out. They gave him pain meds to keep him comfortable. The problem was his breathing so they put him back on the venelator. This was to keep him from expending all of his energy on the breathing. He slept most of Thursday and Friday.
Today the cultures are back and he has a yeast infection. This is the best possible of all the infections as it is the easiest to treat. More antiobiotics for Jim. They also removed the pick line and put another one in.
All of this has left Jim really depressed. He just lies their and is looking incrediably sad. I know this is really hard for him after going along great. He was eating and they were talking about taking the trach out. Now he's taken this huge step backward. I wanted to hug him but with all of the tubes and wires it's hard. But I got in there and just held him and told him that it was going to be OK. I told him how much I love him and together we would see this through. I said give me a smile and he did. I told him I was going to go to the movies and not to chase the nurses while I was gone. That got a smile out of him.
The nurses told me a little while ago that he did watch the Miami/Jacksonville game so that was good. I have the new Fantasy magazines for him so we're now in Football mode.
Go Bucs. The've got their first win.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Jim Is Getting Better
Today is not one of my PD. Jim was feeling rather good today. Yesterday he had his hair cut and his eyebrows clipped. I know this made him feel better. He really looked better. You could have braided his hair. When I went to see him today he was feeling good. He does still have problems:
- Gall Bladder infected
- Trach still not out
- Catherter
- A hole in his stomach. You could put a golf ball into the hole. The hole in the stomach wall still has not healed up so sometimes whatever he drinks comes out the hole.
Good things:
- Smaller trach tube
- No fever
- Getting stronger
- He can talk
- He can eat pureed foods
So all in all he's getting better. As for me I'm getting better to. Mrs. Stoffer and I are on intimate terms and she visits often. I am doing a lot of scrapbooking. I'll post some of my pages soon. Misty keeps me busy and she loves visiting Jim. Today she got away from us and was running around the nurse's station. I was laughing even while I tried to catch her. She can be a trip.