Today just flew by. I wish everyday had 26 hours in it. Then I would be just fine. I went in to see Jim today and he asked me what I had done today because it was 3:00 and where had I been. Well, I said, I did the laundry, your job; I emptied the dishwasher, your job; I walked Misty, your job; and I took out the trash, your job. Now I still had to do my jobs. I am still working on the kitchen. The apples are now gone. Thank heavens for this as they were really ugly. I also made dinner for Mom and my sister and it is chilling in the frig. Other than all of this I still had to take a shower and get ready to come see you. Now you ask why am I so late. He just nodded and said OK . . . but where is my pillow. Go to Healthsouth and get my pillow.
I understand that he is really bored and that I am all he really has here in Florida so my visits are really important to him. I told him I would be there earlier tomorrow. WE watched the Notre Dame game and it was ugly. Whoa 38 to 0. Now this did not do anything for Jim's spirits. He kept shaking his head everytime they fumbled or got sacked.
As of right now there are no infections anywhere according to Dr. Morgan. The chest wound from Friday looks really good according to the nurses. Dr. H. told me this afternoon that Jim's lungs are in good shape and he wants speech therapy to look at him in the morning and see if we can get him back eating. He really needs to eat to fight everything that keeps going on in his body. The doctor said today is the best day Jim has had. He looks good and is strength is improving. If Dr. Shiro agrees he may go back to Health south on Monday.
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