I must say for a Monday I certainly got a lot done inspite of myself. Last night I could not sleep. It was 5:00 am before I finally got to sleep. There was no reason I just couldn't sleep. So I thought today would be really bad but it was great.
Jim is sitting in a chair most days. It doesn't last all that long because of the pain he gets in his next and backside. He has to wear a neck brace when he gets out of bed and on the times he sits on the side of the bed. This he has done twice. The pulminary techs say that they may do another swallow test on Friday. If he passes this he will be allowed to have more food types instead of all pureed. He has a bacterial infection in his blood, urine and sputum. They are watching this and have not put him on any antiobiotics at this time because he has built up such a resistence to them. He has a low grade fever with this. He was a little cantankerious today and did not want to eat. He doesn't like the looks of the pureed foods. Tonight was a double header for football so he was quite content to just watch the games. He's still hurting over the Notra Dame loss.
As for me I started on part three of my kitchen. I hope to have it finished by next week. I am ready to move on past this project. My sister is back from Ohio and Georgia so I spent some time visiting with her.
Tonight I spent some time learning Photoshop Elements. I have been wanting to do this for some time. I had gotten some tutorials and bought a magazine on Digital Scrapbooking so tonight I played with this. The photo here is my first digital scrapbook page. It is pretty simple but it is all in the learning process. It took me all night to do this one page and they say this is supposed to be faster. I am not sure of that but I am still in the learning page.
I also got a call from Jack today. He was so excited because he had received his Harry Potter scarff. I have got to tell you that when a little boy tells you that you are the best grandma ever your heart just melts and all of your troubles go away.
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