Thursday, September 6, 2007

Jack's Scarf

As a young girl you have such big dreams. Meet prince charming, have children and grow old together. I did meet prince charming but not until later in life. He is my prince but I never had children. My sister's children became my children and I doted on them. They are the loves of my life. But Jim has given me something no one else has been able to give me and that was grandchildren. Jim has three wonderful children who love him and now me. What joy is this. In addition to this I have Teresa, Bob's wonderful wife. She is an amazing woman. Luckily she is a stay at home mom but that in itself is a full time job. To stay home and take care of Jack, Josh and Luke is truly a tremendous undertaking although a loving one. Picture the TV commercial where the woman can do it all. That's Teresa.
But you say what about the scarf. Jack called Grandma and asked me if I could make him a Harry Potter scarf. I wanted to run right to the store that minute and get the yarn. Of course I can make you a scarf just like Harry's. It is the scarf of the Grythindor's. So Jack your scarf is in the mail. Jack even sent me a note with a picture of the scarf so I would know exactly what it looked like. I believe Slytherin and Ravenclaw scarfs are in the works.
I made Jack's scarf at the hospital while Jim and I were watching movies. They hooked up our DVD player for him so we are now able to watch movies. This helps with the boredom of being in bed all day everyday.
After feeding Jim today Mom and I went to play bridge. We were 3rd and that's not bad after basically not playing in 3 months. I played last Saturday with my dear friend Dorothy White and she just shrugged off all of my errors. It was just fun to be our of Sarasota for a day and enjoy good friends. Mom and I are going to play Saturday in the Senior tournament in Bradenton. We will see if we can do better.

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