There is not much new to report tonight. Jim went for the CT Scan this morning and was back fairly quickly and no problems with the procedure or the transport. Unlike last time they used a neck pillow to support his head during transport. (Last week they did not do this.) He had dialysis when he returned. They are going to continue dialysis until they find out the reason for the stomach blister. It is to hard to stop and start dialysis according to Dr. L.
I also met with Dr. L. today and she was pleased that the site is smaller today. It is really draining so for right now until she gets the results she is going to treat as a boil because that is what it looks like. She is going to have them put hot compresses on the site and see what happens. Today is was not hard like it was the past two days. Until the results of the CT and Ultrasound are back we will not know. They also put the wound vac back on the chest because the bottom part was still ozzing. He was pretty wiped out today what with the transport, the CT Scan and then dialysis. They also gave him some morphine for the trip so that the jossling wouldn't hurt to much.

As many of you know I have had several complaints about the care at HS. I reported my concerns to the State agency that handles these complaints. Tonight I received a letter from the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Here's what they had to say, "Based on observations, interviews, review of the medical records of the individual named in the compaint and other facility documentation on the day of the investigation the facility was not in compliance with State regulations that govern hospitals. A state deficiency was identified as a result of the investigation that relates to failure to follow the plan of care and failure to provide functional equipment for which the facility will be required to submit a Plan of Correction." I'm not crazy. There are problems.
Now I know why they took Misty away and my favorite nurse.
Today I went to the vocation technical school. I have a new plan. If I go to school for 6 hours a week I qualify for school medical insurance. I am looking into going to school for computer technology and web design. It looks really interesting and I can learn some valuable marketable skills and get cheaper health insurance. Currently I am paying $780 a month. The school insurance is much cheaper. So I am in the process of apply for grants for seniors and applying to the school. It is an interesting twist on getting health insurance and Jim's doctor told me about this as an alternate plan. Because of this I spent the afternoon with Mom going over my taxes.
Went to bingo tonight. Sadly neither mom, Jackie or I were able to yell Bingo.
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