We do not know the reason but Jim looked so much better today. He was alert and awake and watching everything that was going on around him. He cooperated with the physical therapist and let her work for about a half hour. This is quite unusual. He usually gives up after 10 minutes. Way to go Amy.
He was not in pain unless you touched the side of his stomach where the absese is. Now this is just my opinion but maybe the toxin build up in that area just had to come out and since it is draining he's releasing some of the bad stuff. He has not looked this good in several weeks. We will know more after the Cat Scan tomorrow. Hopefully they will have results later in the day since he is going at 8:00 am. They are going to give him some pain medication before because the transport is really going to jossle him around so that will be painful. He even let me give him a manicure today. He usually fusses about this.
As for me I had lunch with my mother at the hospital. I was sure they were going to have corn beef and cabbage so I asked her to come over. No corn beef but they had roast beef and sweet and sour chicken. They did have the cabbage. The cook got a lot of ribbing over this.
As for me I had lunch with my mother at the hospital. I was sure they were going to have corn beef and cabbage so I asked her to come over. No corn beef but they had roast beef and sweet and sour chicken. They did have the cabbage. The cook got a lot of ribbing over this.
Tonight was a beautiful evening and I just had to be outside. It was in the low 70's and the March winds were blowing. The tree in my front yard really needed trimming so Misty and I were outside and triming the tree. It looks so much better and I now have a pile of limps about as tall as me. Watch Dancing with the Stars tonight. Loved it.
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