Monday, March 31, 2008

A good Day for Jim

Today our good friend Gitta came to visit from Chicago. Jim was so happy to see her. He was having a good day and he just kept smiling at her and listening to her stories. It just made my heart swell to see him have this wonderful time with his dear friend. They have been friends for over 30 years and you could tell it in his face. For him to have a happy moment is priceless.
He was doing well today as I said. Vital's were actually a little better today. The doctor said, "He amazing." The nurses were a little rough with him today when they bathed him and changed his dressings. It actually upset me and I couldn't hold it back and said something to the nurse and you know what she snapped at me. I just looked at her and said maybe she shouldn't be a nurse. I snapped. It takes very little for me these days and when I see them treat Jim this way I lose it. I went directly to the head nurse and told him about the situation. The nurse in question never said another word to me all day. As long as she's kind to Jim I don't care and she didn't spend too much time with him only what she had to. Thank god Mary is back tonight. I know he's in good hands.
Gitta and I spent most of the day at the hospital and then we went out to dinner for some good girl chit chat.
I received this email and it warmed my heart. Thank you Sandy I will read it to Jim tomorrow. The photo above is Jim at a tournament doing what he loved most. Directing and being with the players.
Dear Patti,

Is it possible to have a blog fan? If so, I have been your silent fan for many months now, always checking to see how Jim is doing, sharing your happiness when things are good and sad when Jim was suffering. Always enjoying your pictures. Sometimes, when I read your blog, I feel like I am settled into reading a good Nicolas Sparks novel. Jim is so fortunate to have found happiness and love with you.

Ric and I have been friends with Jim for almost twenty-five years. I know this because he is one of the first people we met in the duplicate bridge world at Tree Towns in Elmhurst and that was before Katie was born. That little baby that we used to bring with us and put in a crib in the nursery while we played bridge and Erin Ralston baby sat is still our baby, but a twenty-three year old one.

Jim, my fondest memories of you are many, but some of the most treasured are your never ending sense of wit and humor. Never met a man that could rattle off as many jokes as you. Another is the Christmas sing-a-long parties at Angie's. You brought the songs, you brought the lyrics, and you brought the cheer. And the only good voice, other than Roseann!

No one who ever played bridge at Tree Towns or probably the entire Midwest will ever forget hearing you remind us: Bridge is a timed event. It doesn't matter how well you play, only how fast!

You are in our thoughts and prayers,

Sandy and Ric and Katie

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Finally Donaldson Loses

Today Jim and I were rooting for Kansas to beat Donaldson. Yeah Rock Choc J Hawk Go KU. Some of you may know that I spent sometime at Kansas on my way to my degree. Loved Kansas schools. In our Sweet 16 pool we have all 4 of our teams in the final 4. First time ever. In the big pool we have 3 of our 4. Thanks Team Cohen for this.
This photo was taken at Jim's niece's graduation party. What a fun day that was. Jim was so proud of you Jackie.
Today Jim is about the same. We did have some problems. Temp 100.5 but came down when I put the fan on him. Heart rate over 100 but now down to 87. BP was running between 85/65 to 70 over 45 with stolic between 72 and 63. I was with him all day and he slept 90 percent of the time until my last half hour there then he was wide awake. He has turned his days upside down. Remember I told you he was awake at midnight last night. The doctor says that Jim is on his own timetable and all we can do is enjoy our time.
Thank you Jackie for making me breakfast and dinner. What would I do without you.

Still in the eye

This is such a happy night for Jim. It was his 65th birthday party that was a surprise for him. He told me that nobody had every thrown him a surprise party and I really did get him. He had no idea. For all my scrapping buddies I told him I was going to a crop. The is Jim's son Bob and my wonderful daughter in law Teresa and our Joshua.
Jim is still in the eye of the hurricane. I just ran over there to kiss him goodnight and he was watching the basketball game and was wide awake. Vital signs are normal but the BP is a little low. Stolic is 72. They did dialysis today but did not take any fluid off because his output is good. His vent status has been CPAP since Thursday night. This means he is breathing on his own but getting assist when he needs it.
For me I took a class this morning that I had missed in Jan and Feb. Spent the rest of the day with Jim and then went to dinner with Mom, Jackie and friend Barbara. We went to Pincher's. Barbara had bought us all a gift card for Xmas and we had not used them. On top of that we had 2 for 1 coupons. We were going to go to a movie but I just did not feel like it so we played cards at Jackie's. After that I ran over and said goodnight to Jim.
I sleep better these days if I say good night to him.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Eye of the Hurricane

Another photo that makes me smile.
I feel like the hurricane came on shore and that we are now in the eye of the storm. Everythings is calm and Jim is doing just fine. He was much more alert today than he has been the last two days. I feel like we can communicate and he hears what I have to say. Today he kept telling me to go home. I guess he knew it was Friday and I go to the local scrapbook store every other Friday and today was my day. I told him I would go and would see him later.
Tonight when I went back at 10:30 he was awake and watching the Memphis game. I think he was a little disgusted with this Donaldson team that keeps winning and beating our teams. He was happy to see me and I know that by the big smile he gave me. Vital signs were all in the normal range so we are in the eye of the storm
I did go to the crop and got a couple layouts done but was not real productive. I was happy to just sit and enjoy the night away from my troubles. Everyone at K2 is so wonderful and I thank God everyday that I have found your friendship. You have supported me all the way and I am blessed by you.
Thank you Jackie for taking Misty home with you today. It was really great not to have to worry about her today.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


This is another photo that makes me smile. We were so happy that day.
Today Jim was semi alert. If I got up close he would open his eyes for me and could communicate with me by mouthing words. Uncle Tom called and I could tell he was listening.
His heart rate was a little high today, 117, but all other vital signs were normal. I did not see the doctor today.
I did go get a perm and a haircut today. I could not stand that haggy hair anymore. Jim liked the cut and style and he nodded his approval. For right now all is calm.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday Update

I keep thinking of happier times and this photo makes me smile. Jim was so happy that day. It was Thanksgiving 2006 and we were at his brother Bob's house to celebrate the day.
Today Jim was not really responding to me. He would open his eyes but would then fall back asleep. He does look peaceful and not in pain. Teresa talked to him today and he kept rubbing his head on the phone and there was a slight smile. Teresa he loves you so much.
He opened his eyes for the nurses and was able to nod his head that he did not need any pain meds and for that I am thankful. His vital signs are still in the normal range but his blood pressure has dropped slightly.
I gave you the wrong cell phone number: 941-350-1367
For me I sit and hold his hand and tell him I am right there for him and that I love him. He's still with me but I feel his hand slipping away.

Wednesday Morning

Last night I just didn't have it in me to blog. I was tired and went to bed. Jim had a good day yesterday. All of his vital signs are normal and that continues this morning. The antibiotic is keeping this infection at bay but these infections continue to mutate and are consuming him. He is on every antibiotic known to man and yet we can't keep them down and they keep mutating. He is Jim right now and I am enjoying the time with him. He is tired is at peace with what is happening I believe. When he looks scared (and I can tell when he is) I hold his hand and tell him how much he is loved and that I am right there by his side and that we are in this together. I continue to tell him that I will be alright and he will always walk beside me.

I pass on to him every ones messages and their prayers.

The phone number in Jim's room is 941-342-3129. My cell phone is 941-350-1377. This is different because I washed my other cell phone. If anyone is looking for me these are the numbers that most likely will find me.

Monday, March 24, 2008

My Miracle Man

This photo is a picture of the Easter Bouquet I took to the hospital this weekend for the nurses to enjoy. Over the weekend I put in 8 bags of tootsie roll pops. Everyone loved them. This a mutation of a project at my local scrapbook shop. Theirs had 5 pops compared to my but I had a larger audience.
My day was difficult.

Today when I went in to see Jim and I expected to see him as he was all weekend. Instead I found Jim to be a whole new person. He was alert, smiling and very much aware of the goings on around him. He was even interacting with me and the nurses. He even puckered up for a kiss. I was blown away. Throughout the day he weaned himself off of the levocet and is now completely off of that med that was holding his blood pressure up. I just went to say good night to him about a half hour ago and his bp was 125/85. Just a tad over normal. You might think all is wonderful now but it is not.

This afternoon I visited the Packer Funeral Home. (You have to love the name) and I made all of the necessary arrangements.

Then I met with the doctor. This is the most difficult part. Her first words were, "Jim is a miracle man." Others say Bionic Man or the Cat Man (9 lives). Jim is not going to get better. She said a month or two ago she had hopes that he would recover but now the infections are to much for him to handle. They are rampant throughout his body and the antibiotics can no longer cover everything. He currently has an infection strain that has never been seen at HS or SMH. In fact they are researching this through Atlanta and may even name this new strain. What happens is that the cells mutate themselves as they fight against the meds.

She does not recommend taking him off of any of the measures they are currently taking. She did however recommend that we not use levocet again and that we not introduce any new antibiotics. I have agreed to this. What this means is that the infections will once again flare and Jim will decide it is time to go. She said this is the best way I can show him that we love him and to let him go. I know you will ask me how long. As I asked the same thing. She said it could be today but not longer than several weeks. We will not intervene anymore. We must let him go. I have accepted this although I absolutely hate this. Being an adult sucks. She said many times patients become more alert and aware so that they can convey anything else they want to say before they fade away from us.

Her last words were to enjoy these days with him and just love him because the good days will be few. I hear everyones prayers and they mean so much to me and to the rest of his family.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter Everyone

First I want to congratulate my nephew Rick and his wife Heather on the purchase of their first home. They closed last week and are now part of the American dream. A mortgage. I am so happy for both of you. And you to Rizzo (the pug in the background.)
My wonderful Jim is losing the battle that he has fought so hard. It is breaking my heart. I sit with him and hold his hand and just try to feel the strength that binds us together. I put my hand on his cheek and he tries to rub his face against my hand. I know that he will go knowing that I loved him dearly and I will know that he loved me with all of his heart. The doctor has asked to meet with me tomorrow to discuss "the talk". I dread this discussion but I do no want Jim to suffer any more than he has to. I told him tonight that if he is ready he goes with my love and that I would be all right.
I spent the day with Jim and then had Easter dinner with my family. Thank you Mom, Barbara and Jackie for everything you have done for me. I love all of you. I just got back from the hospital. I wanted to spend a little more time with him and to say good night. The nurses kept coming in to hug me. There were tears from them also. They have all taken care of him for so long and they love him to. He's in good hands tonight.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

We are hanging in there

I spent most of today with Jim. He is very peaceful and quiet. The doctors were concerned about dialysis today but he made it through beautifully. They did not take any fluid off of him because of the blood pressure issue. Yesterday they put 2 gallons of fluid into him to balance the blood pressure medication and did not want to take it off.

Dr. L told me today that Jim will determine how and when. She said that the worst is inevitable and that we will continue to treat him to make sure he is comfortable. He was not very responsive today and the only real time I saw a spark in him is when our grandson Jack talked to him and told him that he loved him. He heard Jack and I know that this gives him great comfort.

I know I'm rambling but I am so tired so I am now off to bed. Once again I left my cell phone home this afternoon. For those that tried to call please try again tomorrow. I will remember the phone. Or you can call 941-342-3000 and ask for room 105 and if I'm there I'll answer. Thank you everyone for the love.

Jim has taken a turn for the worse

Jim has taken a turn for the worse. Yesterday he was diagnosed as being septic. This is a bacteria that is running through out his blood stream. In addition he has yeast in the blood. His blood pressure is very low and they have had to put him back on medication to get it back up. They have listed him as critical. The doctors were not sure that he would make it through last night but I spent the night with him and together we made it through the night. He is awake and is aware of everything around him.

But . . . the fire and fight has gone out of him. His eyes tell the whole story and I believe that he wants to give up the fight. Father Mike spent some time with him yesterday and Jim is at peace.

We are going to try dialysis today but we may not be able to do this. The doctor said if it does not work then the only other option he has is to take him back to the hospital for more aggressive treatment. Because of all of his other organs failing I do not believe Jim would want this. I can't tell you how hard this is for me but I believe I will let Jim tell me what to do.

If he handles the dialysis today and it will be what he can handle and as Dr. Shiro said Jim will declare himself. But if he does not handle this and that the doctors give us information that the fight seems to be over I will not put Jim through a more aggressive treatment. I will see it in his eyes what he wants to do.

I have never been faced with this type of situation before. My dad died in the middle of the night and very suddenly. I hate having to be an adult but I love Jim and will follow his lead. Please keep me in your prayers as I make the most difficult decision of my life.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pretty Much Quiet

It was pretty much a quiet day. Jim had dialysis and we just hung out. Mostly Jim slept from being worned out from yesterday. The only real news is that the kidney doctor said all was going really well with the dialysis but the testing showed his protein levels are low. He said that Jim was not processing his protein and it was leaking into his urine.

For those of you that see Jacee in the NCAA bracket sheets. I was able to do this because of Team Cohen. Thanks you guys. It's hung in his room so we can keep up.

I had a scrapbook class tonight and I just got back from a long walk with Misty. Night all.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jim Got a Haircut Today

For Christmas mom gave Jim a in house haircut from the traveling haircut guy. Because he has been having so many ups and downs we just haven't had it done. Today was the day and what a day it was. Jim has a fresh haircut and wash and he looks and feels great. Thanks mom for this.
Everyone knows I have been freaking out about the latest abscess on Jim's stomach. The opening is about the size of a dime and it is really draining. We were really afraid that it was the gall bladder or the worst that it was from a tunnel from the chest wound. It's none of these according to the CT scan and the ultrasound. It is simply an abscess or what you and I call a boil. Oh happy day.
The other day I asked Dr. L about getting Jim in a chair. She said no that he was not ready. Today I came in and they were getting Jim into a chair. I asked wow what are you doing. They said Dr. L ordered the chair. Ok let's go for it. He looked very content in the chair. Next respiratory came in and guess what, they took him off the vent. I was so scared with all of this. Jim did just great. He was alert and even talking a little. He needs to work on his vocal cords because he has not used them. I called Teresa and had the boys talk to him. Boy did that put a smile on his face and it really perked him up. It was almost normal. The only words he did say were drink, coke, water and sip. Jim's back with us because he has not asked for anything to drink since the first of the year. He was in the chair and off the vent for 6 hours. I saw Dr. L after dinner and and she was very pleased. She said that this may be what he needs is to get up a little bit.
They are going to have to be a little careful because when I came back he butt was sitting on his TV monitor remote and the call light was under his back.
For once we had a good day. We haven't had many of those. This layout is digital layout and I was trying out the faded photo look.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Not much new to report

The first layout is a paper layout and the second one is a digital layout.
There is not much new to report tonight. Jim went for the CT Scan this morning and was back fairly quickly and no problems with the procedure or the transport. Unlike last time they used a neck pillow to support his head during transport. (Last week they did not do this.) He had dialysis when he returned. They are going to continue dialysis until they find out the reason for the stomach blister. It is to hard to stop and start dialysis according to Dr. L.

I also met with Dr. L. today and she was pleased that the site is smaller today. It is really draining so for right now until she gets the results she is going to treat as a boil because that is what it looks like. She is going to have them put hot compresses on the site and see what happens. Today is was not hard like it was the past two days. Until the results of the CT and Ultrasound are back we will not know. They also put the wound vac back on the chest because the bottom part was still ozzing. He was pretty wiped out today what with the transport, the CT Scan and then dialysis. They also gave him some morphine for the trip so that the jossling wouldn't hurt to much.

As many of you know I have had several complaints about the care at HS. I reported my concerns to the State agency that handles these complaints. Tonight I received a letter from the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Here's what they had to say, "Based on observations, interviews, review of the medical records of the individual named in the compaint and other facility documentation on the day of the investigation the facility was not in compliance with State regulations that govern hospitals. A state deficiency was identified as a result of the investigation that relates to failure to follow the plan of care and failure to provide functional equipment for which the facility will be required to submit a Plan of Correction." I'm not crazy. There are problems.

Now I know why they took Misty away and my favorite nurse.

Today I went to the vocation technical school. I have a new plan. If I go to school for 6 hours a week I qualify for school medical insurance. I am looking into going to school for computer technology and web design. It looks really interesting and I can learn some valuable marketable skills and get cheaper health insurance. Currently I am paying $780 a month. The school insurance is much cheaper. So I am in the process of apply for grants for seniors and applying to the school. It is an interesting twist on getting health insurance and Jim's doctor told me about this as an alternate plan. Because of this I spent the afternoon with Mom going over my taxes.

Went to bingo tonight. Sadly neither mom, Jackie or I were able to yell Bingo.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Jim looked a lot better today

We do not know the reason but Jim looked so much better today. He was alert and awake and watching everything that was going on around him. He cooperated with the physical therapist and let her work for about a half hour. This is quite unusual. He usually gives up after 10 minutes. Way to go Amy.

He was not in pain unless you touched the side of his stomach where the absese is. Now this is just my opinion but maybe the toxin build up in that area just had to come out and since it is draining he's releasing some of the bad stuff. He has not looked this good in several weeks. We will know more after the Cat Scan tomorrow. Hopefully they will have results later in the day since he is going at 8:00 am. They are going to give him some pain medication before because the transport is really going to jossle him around so that will be painful. He even let me give him a manicure today. He usually fusses about this.

As for me I had lunch with my mother at the hospital. I was sure they were going to have corn beef and cabbage so I asked her to come over. No corn beef but they had roast beef and sweet and sour chicken. They did have the cabbage. The cook got a lot of ribbing over this.
Tonight was a beautiful evening and I just had to be outside. It was in the low 70's and the March winds were blowing. The tree in my front yard really needed trimming so Misty and I were outside and triming the tree. It looks so much better and I now have a pile of limps about as tall as me. Watch Dancing with the Stars tonight. Loved it.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Nothing is Easy

Well we have another step back with Jim. Remmember last year when Jim was at SMH he had a gall bladder problem. They treated it, drained it and then it healed. Well . . . @#$@@% it's back. I know that I definitely looked at his belly on Friday, not sure of yesterday because he had a gown on, and it looked perfectly OK. Today while I was visiting Jim I asked the nurse how he was doing and he said fine. I took him for his word. I was there about 4 hours. Did not check Jim's body just held his hand and rubbed his arm. At 6:00 I called in and they told me he was doing fine. At 7:30 the doctor called me and said we have a problem. The site where the drainage tube was has absesed. It has actually burst like a boil. And there is a five inch ring of redness around the site. She said with all of the antiabiotics he's on she can't believe this has happened and it has happened since she saw him yesterday.

She is going to send him to SMH tomorrow for a CT scan to see what is involved and if it has tunneled anywhere. She has also called Dr. N. for him to look at Jim at the hospital.

I had to see this for myself so I went to the hospital and yes there it was. It is quite painfull for him when the nurse touches the site. You could tell he was in pain and I asked him if he wanted some pain meds and he said yes. He never asks for pain meds so I know he was in pain.

So I'll let you know tomorrow when I know more.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Finally some good news

I talked with the kidney doctor today. Yea the kidneys are working much better. They are going to cut Jim's dialysis from three days a week to two. The dialysis takes so much out of him so this is really good news for a change. Dr. L. today said they may want to put the feeding tube in next week. Dr. N the surgeon will be in on Monday. They are hoping to do this at HS. They will put this in the small intestine instead of the stomach because it is safer and less prone to infection. Ji was comfortable and slept most of the day. I had basketball on for him and I could tell everyonce in a while he was getting into the game. Tomorrow we'll have selection Sunday for him. I'll see what he thinks about the pool.

I went to Red Lobster tonight for dinner with my Mom, Sister and friend Barbara. I had not been there for a while but the biscuits are still just as good as I remember. I had the Lobster and Shrimp pasta and it was great. Afterwards we came back to my house and played cards. Mom I finally beat you. Yeah Patty. Misty is now zonked out from all of the attention.

Friday, March 14, 2008

We were alert today

Today Jim was holding my hand and squeezing it. The head nurse came in and said wow I have not seen him do this in a long time. Jim looked over at him and just smiled. He was proud that he was holding his wife's hand and enjoying it. I love this. His urine test came back with a clearence of 16. This is really good but I do not know more than that. I have asked that the kidney doctor call me.
It's a rainy evening and Misty and I are just going to stay in a veg out a little. Have a great weekend.

Jim much better

Now that the antiobiotics have kicked in Jim is feeling much better. He's alert and looking good. You can really tell when he is feeling better because his eyes have an intensity that lets you know that he is listening and watching to what is going on around him. During his time with the fever his eyes are glassy and sometimes non-responsive. Well we'll see how this goes. Today we should have the results of the 24 hour urine test. If he goes over 15 they will stop the dialysis. The last test he was at 14. Hi urine output for this test was 3 liters. In fact in dialysis yesterday they did not take anything off of him only did the cleaning.
I'm having a little tussle with the hospital. I made an official complaint to the hospital regarding the errors in his health care. They are now paying me back for that. Misty is no longer allowed in the hospital. They say she can carry infection down the hall. They have also told Jim's favorite nurse that she can no longer care for him. Their reason is that she is not charting proper information. Today Jim and I will review his medical records. More on this later.
I have a sinus infection. It is awful. I know it is because everything is blooming here. The oak trees are in full bloom and so are the fruit trees and I have three of them surrounding my house.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Where have the photos been?

You may have been wondering where the pictures have been. I have actually been scrapping but just haven't taken the photos. The first layout is of my team from the Sarasota Regional Bridge Tournament. Gina, Kay and Jan. I have the best time that week. We may not have been at the top of our game but we sure had a great time being together. The second layout is one that I have wanted to do. It is going back to the basics of colored pencils, water colors and a bunch of embellishments. Just a fun layout that took almost an entire crop to finish. Yes and I did drag all of my stuff there and never touched most of it.
Well guess what? Jim was so much better on my second visit today. The doctor was right, 24 hours after the pik line was out he was feeling so much better. We watched the 4:30 Jeopardy and he was mouthing the answers. Can you believe that. He also stayed awake another two hours. He has not done this for awhile. A gastro doctor came in an evaluated whether to put another feeding tube in. He is going to get with the surgeon. Kidney doctor in and he is doing another 24 hour urine as I type this. Jim may come off dialysis. Keeping my fingers crossed. So for tonight all is well.
I was so energized by this visit that I met up with my sister tonight and we went bicycle riding. Legs are sore tonight but who cares. We meet again tomorrow night. Misty loved riding in the back and did not jump out once. Thanks Teresa for the great pick up session yesterday. I needed that. What can be better than a little gab session. Love you.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Couple of Rough Days for Jim

Jim has not had a very good week. That means the last 7 days. He started running a temp last Wednesday and while they have it under control sometimes he spikes to 103. Durig this time Jim goes to his special place to sleep the day away. He does not want to be bothered and he wants to just be left alone. Other times he just holds on to my hand and doesn't want me to leave him. All the cultures came back last night and the blood was positive for yeast and sputum for whatever that bacteria is. Today the pik line people came in to pull his line. It didn't work and they could not get a new one in. He had to go to SMH to the radiology dept to have it put in. This happened and now he has a new line. Th will watch him for 24 hours and if the temps continue they will then send him to have his dialysis line removed and a new one put in. They know for sure the pik line was hot but are hoping the dialysis line is OK.

The worst part of the SMH trip is that tiny little carrier he has to go on. YOu have to be about 80 pounds to fit on that thing. Getting him in and out of bed is hard on him. I was here when he came back from SMH and he just wanted to sleep. They were going to do the dialysis immediately. They can't give him the antiobiotics until after dialysis because the machine just takes the antiabiotics out of him. He is now on 5 antiobiatics.

His mood is not so good. His blood pressure goes up when I read him the sports page and the current Blue and Gold. I feel so helpless as to how to help him right now. WE are hoping now that the pik line is changed he'll become more alert. Today when I held his band he just shook it away and shook his head. YOu know the look. This tells me he's there but he's just hiding.

As for me I'm hanging by several threads. I'm trying to keep busy but the past several days when I am at home I just want to sleep. I bowled today and had the best bowling day I have ever had. 146, 144, 121. Monday I played bridge and Jan and I were 2nd overall for 5 sections with a 65% game. So I guess that when I'm doing something I am totally focused.

Sunday my sister made me breakfast and dinner. Yeah. The rest of the day Misty and I spent with Jim. Thanks Donna and Gina for the cards. I got a smile from him. Tonight I played bingo and Jackie and I both yelled Bingo. Mom was not so lucky. So that's what I've been up to. Sorry I have not blogged in several days but I just didn't have it in me.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Still Running a Temp

This is what I look at when I look out the window of my office/scrapbook studio. When the window is open I can smell the oranges. The tree is even starting to bud for next year. It makes me sad that Jim can't drink the orange juice this year. When we moved here last year I made him fresh orange juice everyday. He loved it and told me it was the best orange juice he had ever drank. With any luck maybe next week he'll be able to eat again.
He's still running a temp and the prelim's from the cutures are not showing any growth so we continue to wait on this. We finnally got the last stool last night and hope for some results today. His spirits are so so but that is to be expected with this temp situation.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Jim has a temp

An update because I was so tired last night so I didn't post. Jim is running a 102 temp since yesterday morning. This morning it is down to 101.8. Not much better. They have cultured everything and finally gotten the last stool sample. This only took a week. I hope they couldn't have warded this off if they had done this last weekend. They have put him on another antibiotic so let's hope this helps. More later.

I've been tagged.

Tag I'm it.
OK, so I was tagged by Charlene who was tagged by Kim who was tagged by Aimee, who was tagged by Paula, who was tagged by Celeste, who was tagged by Tina, who was tagged by Angie and that's all I know. So I have to share 7 things, some random, some weird about myself then pick some buddies to tag then leave a message on their blog then they get to share. So here I go:

1. I lived 5 blocks from the Leavenworth Federal Prison while I was growing up.

2. I was a certified Life Guard, Swimming instructor and trainer for new life guards for the American Red Cross. I saved one person who hit her head on the bottom and was not breathing when I brought her up.

3. I loved college. In fact I went to 7 colleges and universities before I graduated. I wanted to stay in school forever. I was also an ADPi.

4. I can't stand milk and am freaked out if it even touches me.

5. I love to play bridge or any card or board game.

6. I was a girl scout all the way through high school.

7. I was an avid water skier when I was growing up. The worst moment when I was young was when my mother sold our water ski boat. The doctor had told my mom it had to go because of my father's heart condition. We spent all the time we could on water ski's.

I'm not sure who has been tagged but I think I'll tag Millie, Linda, and Dana.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Not A Soapbox But a Concern

I hate being on my soapbox but what can I do. Once again they have disposed of Jim's stool without sending it out for testing. On Feb 28 the doctor ordered a three day stool test. He wanted to see if there was any blood in the stool. Ok fine. The first specimen was taken that day and not one since. I questioned this over the weekend and was told they forgot and disposed. Monday I talked to the nurse manager and he put a great big note in the chart. Guess what you can probably go to nursing school but that does not mean you can read. The stool specimens were once again thrown out. What am I going to do stand over them and get them to do their job.
Next, I went in on Saturday and Jim was sunk into his bed without his pillow. I asked about this and they said it was like that when I came in. I then said that the bed did not seem to be fully inflated. Don said he would check. Sunday, Ron said he would check. Monday Martha said she would check. Today Patty checked and his bed was deflated behind his back and that was why he was sunk down. Called the nursing supervisor in and explained the situation and he gave me that blank stare look. Ok I'll call the bed people. I asked him why the nurses did not check this out. Another blank stare. Hopefully they can do this tonight or we may have to wait until morning.
In other news, Jim was off the vent this morning. He's having a little trouble talking but he just needs to work at this. Everything else ok. Had dialysis today. They say he is doing great.
Loved this photo and wanted to do another layout for Jack's book. Already done one for Luke's bed. Thank you to Gina, Nancy, Bob and Caroline for the cards. I even got a smile out of him. I took down all the valentine cards down and working on spring cards.

Off the Vent

Jim was off the vent for several hours yesterday. He was in no distress and looked really comfortable. They put him back on because I was leaving and it was shift change and they would be distracted. Today they are taking him off at 9:00 and are going to watch him closely to see if he can stay off all day. There are several medications Jim can not take when he is on the vent but Dr. L has ordered them topically to get him back on them. They should be in today.
This is my red cardinal. She is still in love with the car and that is driving me crazy. No she has found the window to my scrap studio. I have put that reflective window covering on this window to protect from the sun. But what this means is that my red cardinal can now see herself and flys into this window. She is going to hurt herself.
I'm up early because Misty has gone to the beauty shop. She is getting washed and cut plus having her toenails clipped. I'll take a photo later and show you her look. Off to wash the floors while she is not here.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Little Warm Here in Sarasota

It's a little warm here in Sarasota today. It hit 80 degrees and frankly that is a little warm for this time of year. The sun was shinning and all you wanted to do was be outside. I told the doctor today that I just wanted to throw open the windows (they don't open at all) and let Jim feel the wonderful sunshine and fresh air. She said: let's see how the week goes and maybe next weekend we can get him outside.
These are the 4 layouts I did Saturday at the crop. The first two I copied from Nikki who is an amazing designer at K2. I knew I had the perfect photos to copy her layout. The second two layouts are mine with a variation on Nikki's design. I had to use all of the left over paper because I didn't use it all on the first two layouts and why waste the paper when I still had photos.
Jim is doing fine but a little sleepy still. He finally was awake for my second visit today. He was a little worn out so we just watched TV. Had a conversation with Dr. L and she let me know what her schedule would be basically and how I could reach her. She wants to have a consultation with a digestive doctor to see what we can do about feeding Jim. There is a procedure they can do at HS and that may work. It's another form of feeding tube. The nurses screwed up the stool test this weekend. He was supposed to have a 3 day stool test and basically they took it Thursday and just plain forgot Friday and Saturday. This means we will have to start over. It makes me so mad when basic stuff is forgotten. I'll have another talk with Tim in the morning.
I spent most of the day at the hospital today and then just having some down time which was sorely needed. I even fixed myself a steak on the grill for dinner. Off to read my book. I hope everyone has a great week. Jim and I are planning on a good week ourselves.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Busy day and quiet for Jim

I went to see Jim at 9:00 this morning. I should have know he would be sleeping. Neither of us are morning people. I had decided to go to K2's Saturday crop and catch up on things. That is why I was there so early. I just let him sleep. Tonight when I went back he was sleeping again. I don't know if he'll remember I was there but I held his hand and I know he felt my strength. He is healing and he heals better when he sleeps according to the doctors so I rarely wake him up if he is sleeping. Vital signs are all good so I'll rest comfortably tonight.
Rick and Heather's house is really coming together. Rick put the tile floors in last weekend. He did this instead of paying extra for the upgrade. Way to go Rick. Their walkthrough is next Sunday. I can't believe they built this house in two months.
I'm off to bed and I do not have to get up in the morning for the first time in two weeks. Don't call me I'll call you.