Saturday, February 23, 2008

Things Are Better

Well I gave the hospital hell yesterday. I went directly to the Director of the Hospital Danny. He listened to everything I had to say and he said he would make sure that Jim's care is better. I felt a lot better after talking to him. I felt like he listened and hope he means what he said.

When I went in last night things were much more ship shape. The nurses and techs were all very attentive so I know Danny did talk to the caregivers. Mary who tells me everything told me that yes he did talk to people.

Jim was fine tonight. No temp which is good. They also added another antibiotic. Mary said tonight that they all looked at the chest wound and the top wound is almost closed and they believe it is healed underneath. Yeah wouldn't that be fantastic. He was ready to lights out so I just stayed awhile. They have also ordered another 24 hour urine. Not sure why but Mary is going to find out why.

Misty has been such a trouper this week. I have really neglected her. Thank you Jackie for taking her out during the day for me. I did take her to the hospital last night and she like that however she unhooked the wound vac and they had to put that back together.

Bridge has been improving. We ended up 3rd yesterday. Got knocked out this morning but were respectibile in the Swiss. Tomorrow is the last day and we are playing in the Swiss Teams. Wish us luck.

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