Well it was a bumby day today for Jim. As I said yesterday Jim was going to the hospital today to have the dialysis and pick lines changed. All went well until the end and he coded. The chaplin called me baout 10:30 and said he coded and it was a heart incident but they brought him back. I called my sister to take me to the hospital. Before she got here they called back and said it was only a mucas plug and he was fine. The chaplain said not to come because they were going to send him back to Healthsouth. Half an hour later they called and said they wanted to watch him for an hour. This went on until 3:30. They called and said he was fine but wanted to keep him overnight for observation.
I went to Sarasota ICU and Dr Harcore was there and he said. Jim is fine but his blood pressure is a little low and we put him on levocet. They believe they will have him off of this by morning. Dr. H said he wanted him to have dialysis at the hospital in the morning so they could watch his BP. Then they will transfer him back to Healthsouth.
He was fine when I saw him. His color was good and he was completely alert. I knew he was OK when he told me to go play bingo. I was holding his had and he shook it off. This means he's fine. He put a real scare in me. Yesterday he told me he was going to die tomorrow. How did he know he was going to code today. I told him today that I was glad it got that over with and he could now get better. He smiled and agreed with me.
Enjoy the digital layout of Joshua
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