Thursday, February 28, 2008
Today was really good
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Back to Bingo

Monday, February 25, 2008
Some Time With Jim Today

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Tournament Is Over
My friend Gina leaves in the morning. I will be sad to see her go. It has been such fun to have her here. I know Misty will miss her.
Jim was just great tonight. We watched the first part of the Academy Awards together. He laughed all the way through Jon Stewart's monalogue. I had to leave at 9 whenvisiting hours were over but he was content, wide awake and all his vital signs were normal.
This morning I called at 10:00 and guess what the nurse could not tell me anything about his vital signs. I guess if a nurse has a patient that these things aren't important. She was a little miffed when I could not understand why she did not know. She told me to call back. Now what is that about. Off to bed. I am really tired tonight.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Things Are Better
When I went in last night things were much more ship shape. The nurses and techs were all very attentive so I know Danny did talk to the caregivers. Mary who tells me everything told me that yes he did talk to people.
Jim was fine tonight. No temp which is good. They also added another antibiotic. Mary said tonight that they all looked at the chest wound and the top wound is almost closed and they believe it is healed underneath. Yeah wouldn't that be fantastic. He was ready to lights out so I just stayed awhile. They have also ordered another 24 hour urine. Not sure why but Mary is going to find out why.
Misty has been such a trouper this week. I have really neglected her. Thank you Jackie for taking her out during the day for me. I did take her to the hospital last night and she like that however she unhooked the wound vac and they had to put that back together.
Bridge has been improving. We ended up 3rd yesterday. Got knocked out this morning but were respectibile in the Swiss. Tomorrow is the last day and we are playing in the Swiss Teams. Wish us luck.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I'm on my Soapbox Again

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Another Day of Not Playing Well
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Cardinal In Love with our Car

A cardinal has fallen in love with our car. Now you would think this is cute and fun to watch. Well it is to a point. The cardinal picks at the mirror because it is in love with itself and now I am afraid that it is going to break the window. This has been going on for over a week now. Any suggestions anyone. My sister says I should cover the mirrors but I keep forgeting.
This is a paper layout I did last week of the boys squeezing orange juice. I squeezed some this week and boy is it good.
The bridge tournament has really started bad for my team. We were knocked out of the first knockout today by Ken Wolpert and team. Actually we were crushed. Then we played the swiss and lost our first 3 matches but finally won the last match. Tomorrow we start a new knockout and hopefully things will go better. It was fun seeing so many old friends from around the country. For you northerners. Don't you love our weather.
Gina and I went to see Jim after the second session. He was not having a good day. He had spiked a temp of 101.3. The nurse told me she had checked him not a half hour ago and he was fine. Then the temp. He just wanted to sleep and was not much interested in anything we had to say. Of course we had lots of new gossip but he said tell me tomorrow. The neurologist was there while I was there and he said the dilatin seems to have stopped the seizures and that is good. He will continue to monitor Jim. Jim told the nurses today that he wanted to go play bridge and when they wouldn't let him he became a little troublesome and uncooperative. Well I can't blame him. More tomorrow.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Gina Arrived Today

My friend Gina arrived today and we have been talking non stop so it is great fun. We went to see Jim and he was so happy to see her. I could just see him perk up. Gina said to me (now she has not seen him since he has been sick) that he looked so much better than she expected. And it is true he looked great today. Plus he was in a really good mood.
New Today. They moved Jim to a private room. He is now in room 2005 which is directly across from the nurses station which is really good. They needed his room for two admissions today and neither of them matched Jim so now he has a private room. He seemed happy with the room change and like his new digs.
Jim was also off the vent today for two hours while I was gone. This is great. They are going to work with him all this week and see if they can get him off the vent.
I will not be seeing him much this week. I'll only be able to go in the evenings. We have to play tomorrow morning at 10:00 and then again at 2:30. This will pretty much be our schedule for the week. We'll get done about 6:15 and then we'll eat and go to see him.
Right now Misty is sleeping with Gina. I don't know what is going to happen when I go to bed. Hopefully she'll want to come in with me. This is another digital layout. This week will be Jack. Jack I may not get to it everyday but maybe you'll get two weeks that way.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Dayton 500 is On

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Saturday Update

Friday, February 15, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008
I've Got The Scoop

- Wounds are improving and have not taken any backward steps
- CT scan is normal
- EEG he has not seen any results but promised me he would find out.
- Episodes (the unresponsive events) He says that with all of what he's going through these types of things happen. He has no specific reason. They keep checking things.
- Eye infection is under control but they will continue the eye drops for another week.
- Kidneys are showing improvement and that is why they only put another temporary line in.
- Infections are still being treated by antiobiotics. The current growth in his blood may stem from the kidneys not processing the blood and the pick line.
- He is stable and improving and that is the best we can hope for according to the doctor. Dr. Hume said, "He is a mircale and has a tremendous will to live, so that is what we are going for."
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
All is well
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Bumpy Tuesday

Well it was a bumby day today for Jim. As I said yesterday Jim was going to the hospital today to have the dialysis and pick lines changed. All went well until the end and he coded. The chaplin called me baout 10:30 and said he coded and it was a heart incident but they brought him back. I called my sister to take me to the hospital. Before she got here they called back and said it was only a mucas plug and he was fine. The chaplain said not to come because they were going to send him back to Healthsouth. Half an hour later they called and said they wanted to watch him for an hour. This went on until 3:30. They called and said he was fine but wanted to keep him overnight for observation.
I went to Sarasota ICU and Dr Harcore was there and he said. Jim is fine but his blood pressure is a little low and we put him on levocet. They believe they will have him off of this by morning. Dr. H said he wanted him to have dialysis at the hospital in the morning so they could watch his BP. Then they will transfer him back to Healthsouth.
He was fine when I saw him. His color was good and he was completely alert. I knew he was OK when he told me to go play bingo. I was holding his had and he shook it off. This means he's fine. He put a real scare in me. Yesterday he told me he was going to die tomorrow. How did he know he was going to code today. I told him today that I was glad it got that over with and he could now get better. He smiled and agreed with me.
Enjoy the digital layout of Joshua
Monday, February 11, 2008
Where did Monday Go?
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Sunday With Jim

Saturday, February 9, 2008
Negative on CT Scan

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Jim going on road trip tomorrow

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Jim was tired today

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Twice in one day

Got a Little Lazy Last Night

Sunday, February 3, 2008
Superbowl Sunday

Saturday, February 2, 2008
Jim is getting lighter