Monday, January 5, 2009

Better Blogger

I have been very eractic in my blogging the past couple of months but I plan to do better. I think I am better when I put my thoughts down and get them out of my mind.
Isn't this a great photo of mom with the two dogs at Christmas. She was trying to read a book and Rizzo was trying to get away from Misty and Misty was the jealous one and had to get up with Mom. Mom made these adorable Xmas scarves.
This is a busy week for me. Today I had a breast biopsy. My doctor got all of my biopsy results from Naperville and Arlington Heights hospitals and believes that we will have good news. The lump has grown to one inch from three quarters inch. Say a little prayer for me on this one. I'll get the results tomorrow afternoon.
Wednesday I take another exam for the job I am hoping to get. Another prayer. Then Thursday I have a stress test scheduled. Results on that one next Monday. So it looks like I am going to meet my max out of pocket all in one week but that means that everything will be paid at 100% for the rest of the year because my new plan is an 80/20 plan and not a copay plan. That's the only good thing about all of this.
What a way to start the year but it goes with my one little word "revitalize." Refresh and renew and get back on track. I think I'll pick some oranges in the morning and have some fresh orange juice. Cheers.

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