Well yesterday I would have said Gustav was going to Texas but today they moved it slightly to the east. We are still only on the fringes but we'll get the wind and maybe some rain. And we will get this Labor Day weekend. This reminds me of many years ago when I bought my first house in Tampa in the late 70's. The week after I moved in we had my one and only threat of a hurricane during my tenure in Tampa. It was Labor Day weekend also. I ended up with a house full of people for a few days and got my entire house interior painted with all of the extra help. It was a great party and the hurricane never came on shore. I hope the same holds true for this weekend. But at least I have all of the supplies this time.
These two layouts are from tonight's scrap and dash and art bar projects. It's always fun to get out and have this creative burst midweek. All I have to do is bring the photos and they have everything set up to create the layouts.
I'm almost finished cleaning and moving my scrapbook room around. Photos tomorrow because I will be done tomorrow if it kills me. My goal is to have my entire house spic and span by Monday.
Had a doctor appointment today for my monthly B12 shot and this should help with my energy level. They also did a blood test to see if my levels have come up. My B12 anemia deficiency should be at 600. Three months ago it was 100. This definitely is to low. If it has not come up significantly I am going to have to go to twice a month shots. As the nurse explained it to me, my levels are so low that when I get my shot my body says oh boy there is some B12 and eats it all up and I don't have anything left for the rest of the month. This according to the doctor is a hereditary problem. The crux of it is that by mid-day I am exhausted and can't do anything. So hopefully we'll resolve this soon because the past couple of days have been awful and the shot I had today will take about 48 hours to work. So hopefully this will pass soon.
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