Sunday, August 31, 2008
Gustav Makes For Soggy Weekend
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Traveling Pants Movie
What hit me so hard and was so personal to me was one of the story lines. One of the girls lost her mother early in life. Her father basically raised her. Her father decided that he did not want the grandmother in her life. The movie really doesn't say why just that the father thought it was best for his daughter to not see or talk to her grandmother anymore. The last time she remembers seeing her grandmother she was 6 years old. She comes home from college to visit her father and finds some old letters her grandmother wrote to her over the years. She confronted her father and they had a huge fight. She wanted to know why her father denied her her grandmother. The father's only comment was, "I thought it was best for you."
In the movie she makes a trip to find her grandmother. She has not seen her in 12 years. They are reunited and the daughter now knows her grandmother never stopped loving her. For the daughter this brought great peace and joy.
I teared a bit because this is exactly what is happening to me. Why do the children have to suffer? Why do grandmothers have to suffer when they have done nothing wrong? These questions weigh heavy on my heart.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Scrapbook Room Is All Done
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Will Gustav Come Our Way
Well yesterday I would have said Gustav was going to Texas but today they moved it slightly to the east. We are still only on the fringes but we'll get the wind and maybe some rain. And we will get this Labor Day weekend. This reminds me of many years ago when I bought my first house in Tampa in the late 70's. The week after I moved in we had my one and only threat of a hurricane during my tenure in Tampa. It was Labor Day weekend also. I ended up with a house full of people for a few days and got my entire house interior painted with all of the extra help. It was a great party and the hurricane never came on shore. I hope the same holds true for this weekend. But at least I have all of the supplies this time.
These two layouts are from tonight's scrap and dash and art bar projects. It's always fun to get out and have this creative burst midweek. All I have to do is bring the photos and they have everything set up to create the layouts.
I'm almost finished cleaning and moving my scrapbook room around. Photos tomorrow because I will be done tomorrow if it kills me. My goal is to have my entire house spic and span by Monday.
Had a doctor appointment today for my monthly B12 shot and this should help with my energy level. They also did a blood test to see if my levels have come up. My B12 anemia deficiency should be at 600. Three months ago it was 100. This definitely is to low. If it has not come up significantly I am going to have to go to twice a month shots. As the nurse explained it to me, my levels are so low that when I get my shot my body says oh boy there is some B12 and eats it all up and I don't have anything left for the rest of the month. This according to the doctor is a hereditary problem. The crux of it is that by mid-day I am exhausted and can't do anything. So hopefully we'll resolve this soon because the past couple of days have been awful and the shot I had today will take about 48 hours to work. So hopefully this will pass soon.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
2007 Birthday Book
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Gray Skies Again
It was probably for the best since when we actually got to digging we found that her planter bed was filled with red ants. These guys are nasty and they are fast to bite as my feed will attest to. I ran home and got some ant killer but the planting had to be put off. It will take several days for the ant killer to work so we can get back to the planting.
Spent the rest of the day treating my feet with deodorant. Yes that was my sister's solution and guess what it worked. I settled in with a good book and a nap. A perfect way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon.
I also spent some time thinking about Lucas. Happy birthday little guy.
Hope everyone has a great Saturday.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Lucas
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom

We celebrated mom's birthday today. I took mom to lunch and to two quilt shops. We didn't buy much but did have a good time. We also figured out how to finish a purse mom has been working on for several months. We had to go back to the quilt shop to get the final directions.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Back To Normal
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Where is Fay going next?

Where will Fay go next? That is the biggest question of the day.
Living in Florida we accept the consequences of hurricane season but this is the first time that I have faced the challenge. I lived in Tampa and Clearwater for 25 years and never saw a hurricane or tropical storm. What a lot of work it is to get ready. There are trips to Home Depot and Publix. You have to have the supplies. Next you have to take everything inside. This includes trash cans, grills, hoses, recycling bins and bicycles.
You pack up all of your valuables and important papers and head to a hotel. I was freaking out about my scrapbooks. There was no room to take them with me so I packed them all in water tight storage bins and hoped for the best. I put some in the refrigerator (my mom's idea because these rarely get wet) and the stove. I walked out the door and hoped for the best.
At the hotel right down the street were people just like me and my sister and mom. All hoping for the best. Most of these people were from Camelot so we knew a lot of people. Misty was the official greeter. She loved the adventure.
When we woke up this morning we knew that we had gotten lucky. Fay headed to Fort Myers instead of Sarasota. In fact we did not even get a drop of rain. We had wind and the Sky's were gray but no rain. After leaving the hotel I decided to drive out to the beach to check out the waves. Guess what there were no waves. I was so disappointed. The beach looked as it always does, nice and calm.
So another day in paradise. Yes but paradise comes with 90 degree temperatures and 90 percent humidity and that is exactly what we had today. Was all the work and expense worth the evacuation. Yes it was because we are all safe. Fay could have come to visit.
Today I just took it easy and caught up on my sleep. That is what gray sky's and rainy days are for. We just didn't get he rain.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
We're moving out
If you need to reach me you can call 941-3501367 or 1377 I can't remember.
We've gone through the checklist and I think we have it together. I am totally freaking out about my photos so all of my albums are in plastic bins. At least I can try. I haven't been to the store and that is going to be a nightmare in the morning. Guess I am getting up early.
Wish us luck. With any luck it will go out into the Gulf.
Almost Done
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Thanks For the Support
I still have construction workers in my house. They are still not done. They are the slowest workers I have ever seen. The contractor must be paying them by the hour because it seems like they are here but nothing seems to get done. We have finished the guest bathroom except for the molding around the ceiling line. Yeah. Today they started on the soft floor in the master bathroom. Even though they are slow they do really good work.
Tom it was good talking to you this past weekend. Hope your birthday was a good one and that you are now feeling better.
Played bingo last night and boy were we lucky. Mom, Jackie and I each won two bingo's. That six between us. It is always so much more fun to win. Thanks Mom for making the sandwiches.
Hope everyone has been enjoying the Olympics. I think I have watched every hour of it. Our athletes are amazing. I am also so impressed by the Chinese. I just wish their methods were better.
I'm a little behind in posting the balance of my July layouts so here they are.