Job hunting is really getting to be a drag. Where did all the jobs go and why can't I get one. The market is totally new now. You can no longer go into a business and apply for a job. All job applications are taken via the web. Then then are scanned by a machine and the machine picks who gets an interview. I'm surprised a machine doesn't do the interviews. You have to have key words or the scanner won't pick it up. So this means that every resume you send out has to practically be an original to that particular job because you have to include key words to that specific company. So yes I am continuing my search with new resumes going out every day.
Aren't these cute photos of Josh. He was having so much fun on the airplane. Love the layout and it is digital.
Just an ordinary Wednesday. Water aerobics in the morning, job hunting, scrap and dash, some grocery shopping and watching TV at night. Misty and I just got back from her run so it's time for bed. Have a great Thursday.
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