Well I guess I really am behind in blogging. It has been a really busy two weeks. My main focus has been job hunting and it is not an easy task in today's economy. Everyone seems to be laying off or not hiring when a position comes vacant. I have sent out about 50 resumes and we know that 90 percent of these end up in the trash and you hope for the best with the other 10 percent. I have actually had one phone interview and one live interview. Not bad for the first two weeks. I would really like this one job so I have my fingers crossed and hoping I hear soon.
I have also been catching up on my health. I saw the doctor before I left for Chicago and they did a bunch of tests before I left. Results are in. One I have B12 Deficiency Anemia which is actually heriditery. Levels are supposed to be 600 and mine are 200. I kept complaining about being tired all of the time and having no energy. This is the reason. I have to have monthly B12 shots and it will take about 3 months to get back to normal. Also on the high side is my cholesteral, sugar and blood pressure. No surprise here since I am living and have been living a very stressful life. So my second focus is getting myself together and well again. I actually lost 17 pounds since May 1 so I guess I am forging ahead on this.
I have a wall falling apart in my house and today I took the first step to getting this repaired. I also have a soft floor in the bathroom so this needs to be repaired also. I have done a little sorting of some of Jim's things but this is very hard and people tell me that this process will take some time. There is no hurry so I am not going to stress over this part. I like having his things around me. It's comfortable and makes me happy.
I've been exercising at the pool and this is a good thing. I usually meet my sister there in the late afternoon but the past couple of days we've had thunderstorms so have gotten there. Jackie suggested today that we go at 7:00 am. I squashed that right away.
Saturday I went to an all day crop and that was really fun. I haven't done this for awhile so it is great to get back to my passion. These are two of the layouts I did. I did more and will share them this week.