Sunday, May 11, 2008

Finding the Happy Moments

My life has not exactly been happy over the past couple of weeks. My heart is breaking and it would be very easy to hide in a hole and withdraw from everyone and everything. I am stronger than this and Jim would not want me to do this. So for the next 30 days I have going to blog about something happy that has happen to me each day. I am hoping this will help me to get back on the right track and to actually know that I can be and find happy moments in my day to day activities. Remember my word for the year is strength and I need to find that and happy moments will help me find the strength to face the new challenge in my life.

Today is Mother's Day and I am so happy that my mother is still with me. I tried to reach her today but she was not home. Mom, I love you and appreciate you every day. Thank you for taking care of Misty while I am gone. This means so much to me. I will try to reach you tomorrow. It doesn't matter that it is not Mother's day because I love you every day.

I was also happy today because I was with my friend Adrienne and her 4 daughters, 1 son, 1 son in law, and 9 grandchildren. What fun it was to watch them have so much fun together.

I am also happy that my sister was here today and sad that she had to go back to Sarasota tonight. Love you Jackie.

That's a lot of happiness for just one day.

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